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  1. M

    LVM 100% usage

    So, my friend kind of explained it to me, and showed me the math using the lvs command. Here is mine: So, I do have 5 volume, even though I thought I only had 2. He said he doesn't know how EXACTLY the math works, but that data is basically a 'close sum' of the vm disks I have. I made...
  2. M

    Unable to update FreeNAS, 11.1 - 11.X

    I have a thread over on their forums as well, I haven't got much help since the last time this happened. Currently running OK on ProxMox 5.3 and FreeNas 11.1. I upgraded previously to 11.2, and it wouldn't boot. I tried to upgrade again today to 11.3, same errors. Here are the screens I was...
  3. M

    LVM 100% usage

    Updated to 5.3, and noticed that my disk usage is at 100% for the LVM. Any idea why or how I can correct this? I only have 2 VMs up, 160GB and a 16GB, neither of which are over ~70% full.