At the moment I will run not more than two windows VM (one Windows Server and one Windows 10) and really probably another one/two Linux VM, but notnot together.
I suppose that the quantity of ram in my case is good.
As you all dipends your usage and expectations.
@t.lamprecht I have made some research about hardware to build my Proxmox Computer.
I have found this:
- CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600c (I like your suggestion about CPU)
- Motherboard: GA-AX370M-DS3H, this mobo support raid 0,1,10
- RAM: PSD416G24002 (16GB)
- SSD: (where I will install Proxmox)...
Thanks for your reply!
My idea is to build a small lab to test and make some experience woth Windows server or Linux Domain controller mainly.
I am a junior network administrator, and I want build a home lab to imorove my skills.
Probably in future a VM as firewall or for pentesting...
Hi all,
I am not an expert in this world, and I would ask you a little suggestion about the choose of right hardware platform to create a small virtual home lab to run some Virtual Machine. At the moment I do not think more than 4/5 VMs at the same moment. Typically 2/3 VM.
I have seen on-line...
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