I upload attachment.
My proxmox is 7.3 version.I reboot my proxmox.But it's will go to blank screen.I try use single user mode to login.It's also go to blank screen.How to fix it?
I have two proxmox ve and both to cluster.One is use lam partition and another is use zfs pool.I want migration lvm virtual server to zfs server.It's will show in process any percent and no new process.It's will use 23 hours and no finish.If I use backup image and restore to zfs rpool.It's will...
Proxmox ceph node(A) <----> firewall <---------------internet--------------> proxmox ve client(B) (use vpn connect to ceph node and mount rbd)
My question is (A) create vm and storage set to ceph rbd.The VM very fast.
But (B) create vm and set to remote storage rbd is very slow.I has see iops...
I has installed four node and every node is 500GB space.I setup cluster and ceph every node done.But it's show max size is 600G.
I don't know how to calculate total node max size and how to setup.Could any friend can tell me?
Thanks a lot.
I has add serial 0 and 1 and add pcie to conf:
I has use dmesg | grep tty this command to check ttySX
The vm host can found pcie rs232 com port.But it's can't found modem.
My proxmox is 7.2.4. I has installed rs232 card and it's use pcie interface.I has enable iommu for pcie-passthrough.
The rs232 com port is connect modem.In my vm system has found rs232 card.But it's always can't found modem.
How to setup it?
I found it's network problem.I have change many network card.If I edit /etc/network/interface and restart network service.It's will show buffer io error.What's this problem?
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