I'd like to be able to give access to two-three people so they can install stuff on my proxmox.
In order for these guys to be able to create a vm/lxc, they have to have the Datastore.AllocateTemplate on the storage which is only found in PVEDatastoreAdmin.
So in order for two people to create...
We have a setup of three geographically distributed proxmox machines.
The hardware is cheap: celeron cpus, single 5400rpm drive, 8/16gb memory.
Each node runs a single vm with our service. The three servers run a copy of the service. We're satisfied with the speed of the service.
One server is...
We use scripts to create linked clones and most of the times they depend on the template id.
Often we have to make minor changes to a template.
In order to update a template:
Option1 (the id of the template changes)
- full clone of template
- update clone (add our changes)
- create a template
AFAIK noVNC supports copy/paste.
source: https://github.com/novnc/noVNC/blob/master/README.md
Will this functionality be a part of proxmox?
If not, is there an easy way to add that functionality manually?
Today we had 15 novnc connections to our proxmox gui from a location with an intermittent internet.
At some point I saw that we had ~100 vncproxy processes even though the users were still 15.
When I did `ps aux | grep vncproxy` I saw that for each connection there are three processes:
You're absolutely right. I thought there'd be an option, but if dd can copy it, then sending directly to lvm should also work.
Tested it - worked fine.
I've heard about that, but I can't seem to find it. I found this: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/File:Screen-move-disk.png
Are these the steps: I add the vmdk to vm101 for example, create a second disk in the lvm thin and then move it?
What are the steps to move the disk. Where do I put the vmdk?
I've been using the LVM thin storage so far and every time I have to import a VM i have to convert the vmdk to qcow and then `dd` to the lvm volume.
If I use a directory, I can directly run a vmdk and this saves me a lot of converting. Scratch that. Windows vmdks don't work, because of this...
I have a proxmox installation.
I'd like to import a vmdk to a lvm and the procedure is:
$ qemu-img convert -p -f vmdk "IE11 - Win7-disk1.vmdk" -O raw "IE11 - Win7-disk1.raw"
and then:
$ dd if="IE11 - Win7-disk1.raw" bs=1M|pv| dd of=/dev/mapper/pve-vm--103--disk--1
And that works fine.
But there...
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