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  1. E


    Hi, (Basicaly you have to get RDMA working first. Look here: it took me a while to find a way how proxmox could use NFSoRDMA. First I tried to change the storage options in /etc/pve/storage.cfg from nfs...
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    [SOLVED] Hacked proxmox server

    Yeah, by reseting the server there are plenty of options.
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    [SOLVED] Hacked proxmox server

    How would you get root access? You would still need the root credentials to log in to console? Or do you mean by shuting down server and get root access via chroot?
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    exact pin vcore to physical core

    Sure, (but) this is already built into proxmox. CPU pinning is not
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    exact pin vcore to physical core

    While running low latency tasks in VMs, you may want to pin your vcores to physical cores to not loose caches and avoid moving tasks to cores which are running on lower frequency first when moving to them. The existing pve_helper scripts managed to pin the qemu CPU threads to a "CPU pool"...
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    ZFS secondarycache option beeing "ignored"

    Hi, I added a cache drive to my pool which has secondarycache=none attribute. pool: spinning state: ONLINE scan: scrub repaired 0B in 04:40:29 with 0 errors on Sun Oct 9 05:04:31 2022 config: NAME STATE READ WRITE CKSUM spinning...
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    NFS Multipath (or at least failover)

    Well after an unwanted switch power down, I dont see any path drops anymore. So I guess it's working as it should.
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    NFS Multipath (or at least failover)

    I currently testing this. I got pNFS working (for a while) by doing it this way: modprobe nfs_layout_nfsv41_files modprobe nfs_layout_flexfiles mount x.x.1.x:/some/path /some/other/path -o vers=4.1,minorversion=1,max_connect=16 mount x.x.2.x:/some/path /some/other/path -o...
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    IPv6 LXC SLAAC tokens

    The solution is to set echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth0/accept_ra (or 2) inside the container 0 Do not accept Router Advertisements. 1 Accept Router Advertisements if forwarding is disabled. 2 Overrule forwarding behaviour. Accept Router Advertisements even if forwarding is...
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    IPv6 LXC SLAAC tokens

    Hi, I'm running a debian10 lxc container and want to set the ipv6 token. But when running ip token set ::xxx dev eth0 inside the container it returns Error: ipv6: Router advertisement is disabled on device. But actual it does get an IP from SLAAC. inet6 xxx/64 scope global dynamic mngtmpaddr...
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    build pve kernel parallel

    Then after about 3 hours of build, it aborts with the following error(s) .... # Autogenerate blacklist for watchdog devices (see README) install -m 0755 -d debian/pve-kernel-5.4.41-1-pve/lib/modprobe.d ls debian/pve-kernel-5.4.41-1-pve/lib/modules/5.4.41-1-pve/kernel/drivers/watchdog/ >...
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    build pve kernel parallel

    How do you build pve kernel in parallel? The -j flag on make ist completly ignored and building the kernel on a low clocked 32core epyc takes like forever (but well, could use 64 threads instead, which should speedup build times enormously)
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    [TUTORIAL] Compile Proxmox VE with patched intel-iommu driver to remove RMRR check

    Build mainline kernel 5.6 with standard ubuntu patches and zfs 0.8.3 built in [-[ with 5.5/5.6 patches (until zfs 0.8.4 is out) ]-] apt install git build-essential kernel-package fakeroot libncurses5-dev libssl-dev ccache flex bison libelf-dev build-essential autoconf libtool gawk alien...
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    remove not available intel cpu flags on amd cpu

    OK, I found it add: push @$cpuFlags , '-x2apic' if $cpu eq 'EPYC'; in sub get_cpu_options in /usr/share/perl5/PVE/QemuServer/ Sould be disabled by detecting AMD CPU
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    remove not available intel cpu flags on amd cpu

    There seems to be an "older" bug in pve - when I enable kvm_amd avic, proxmox would add x2apic flag to and EPIC cpu (which is and intel cpu flag, so no wonder it cannot work) More information: I could fix this by my own, so please link me to...
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    enable multiqueue virtio nics

    According to this: due the lack of ethtool, how would I enable Multiqueue on virtio nics on Windows, and BSD (OPNsense)?
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    [TUTORIAL] Compile Proxmox VE with patched intel-iommu driver to remove RMRR check

    I came over to this thread because I have seen this on reddit: Because I hardly lack of time and I want to update the kernel of my 6.1.8 proxmox to at least kernel 5.6-rc6, maybe someone can post his...
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    Configure direct pass-through for devices in web-gui

    You are working in that? But well, I thought qemuKVM isn't able to do this in first place and VMware has some magic tricks to passthrough an entire disk w/o passthrough of storage controller. I think passing through an entire disk as virtio block device is not what thread opener wants to?
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    [SOLVED] Connecting an iPad to a VM

    Try in passthroughing the device by USB ID, then stop (important) and start the VM again.
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    [SOLVED] passthrough of usb-controller causes ethernet to stop

    I have the exact same setup and I use the CPU internal USB controller for passthrough.