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  1. P

    Unable to get the Internet in VM's

    Your server settings indicate that you have 2 different networks. Are your VMs using VMBR1? If so, and you don't actually have a 172.16.1.x subnet on your network, that's the problem.
  2. P

    format disk on proxmox installation

    ctrl+alt+F(n), switch tty and use terminal
  3. P

    What is a username Ubuntu 14.04 Standar

    Try it from the console. I am willing to bet that the SSH config is set to not allow root to SSH in. You will need to log in on console and make your changes. Either add another user to SSH in or set the SSHD config to allow root.
  4. P

    Can't log root on Debian VM

    Inside a VM, it is however YOU set it up. This has nothing to do with Proxmox.
  5. P

    Can someone clarify how pricing 4 subscription works?

    You should contact the sales team. I think the email is
  6. P

    Can someone clarify how pricing 4 subscription works?

    Literally says it right there on: Which means it is PER SOCKET, not per CPU Core.
  7. P

    Map all the traffic to a router VM

    Why would you need port mirroring for this to work? This is actually a pretty standard setup. Create a bridge with a NIC you want to use to a VMBRx, build a VM with that VMBR attached as it's 'WAN', and attach the other VMBR to the VM as it's LAN. Connect other VMs to the 'LAN' VMBR and tell...
  8. P

    [SOLVED] Don't set ip network

    Pro tip: If you mark your thread as solved, nobody can help you. If it was really solved, others might like to read what the fix was. If you still cannot figure this out, you need to provide more information about your Proxmox configuration. It sounds like you have NAT enabled on this...
  9. P

    add QNAP NAS to Proxmox Server

    WHAT? The QNAP doesn't have iSCSI, CIFS/SAMBA, or NFS?!! WTF kind of NAS doesn't operate the most basic of NAS functions? How do you access files on it?
  10. P

    is there something can be used with Proxmox for this

    REALLY doubtful, considering how niche the request is. This sounds like something a cpanel-type application could use the API for. Someone will have to write it unless you want to start doing so. Maybe there is something out there similar...I don't know
  11. P

    add QNAP NAS to Proxmox Server

    you can't connect to ext3. cifs is the term used interchangeably for SAMBA share. ext3 is a filesystem, and cifs/smb/samba is a file sharing network protocol. completely different things. you NEED to use cifs to connect to a samba share. you probably do not need the domain name. if it...
  12. P

    Trunking through to a VM

    Yep. TCPDUMP on the vmbr should have shown you everything. I can attest that tagging VLANs from within the guest works well. I have been running virtual routers for years in ProxMox
  13. P

    Trunking through to a VM

    I run virtual routers and tag vlans in and out all the time. what issue are you having? As long as your switch supports the VLAN tagging, it will just work.
  14. P

    Using the network of another hypervisor

    Set up a virtual router on each VM host, and route the networks together, or create a VPN tunnel between the networks to simulate a real world scenario of having a remote office talking back to your DC
  15. P

    New Forum Software

    I know about I said, I have deployed it to several forums over the years. Odd that it was totally cool with you guys up until this new forum software. Whatever though. I won't get to read the forums much any more now.
  16. P

    New Forum Software

    I don't know why I would need to 'learn more about Tapatalk'. I have been using it for over 3 years, as well as implementing it into several forums. I am very well aware of what it does. The fact that you have taken this stance saddens me. You will punish those that use it for the sake of...
  17. P

    New Forum Software

    Tapatalk support is important to me. Can you please talk more on the removal of it? I don't interact with forums on my mobile unless they have Tapatalk support for numerous reasons.
  18. P

    Can we get Tapatalk support back?

    Well that is sad. I refuse to participate in forums on mobile browsers. Responsive interfaces aren't everything. The whole experience is important.
  19. P

    Can we get Tapatalk support back?

    Couldn't connect all day and didn't know why until I got home from work. Do we know when Tapatalk is going to be added back?
  20. P

    Congrats on the new PRO look

    Yeah, it's too bad it is xenforo. This software sucks so bad. As an admin on a xenforo site, I must say "what were you thinking?!"