I ended up using a hook script made in shell to check if the folder is mounted and stop the backup job if is not.
trimmed_dumpdir=$(dirname "$DUMPDIR")
# if backup is starting and if mountpoint is not mounted and if we're backing up to Idrive
if [[ $1 ==...
The s3fs mount may fail for the most weird issue. To prevent the backup job from filling the disk space, I think that I can use a hook script to check the mount. If the mount fails, how can the hook script terminate the backup job?
I wish I could, but there's something wrong with the Idrive implementation of their S3 "version" that messes up with the creation of the chunks.
Anyway, I guess my next step will be to add the s3fs mount to my Proxmox VE and use that to store the backups (in addition to PBS).
I'm using an S3-compatible cloud storage (Idrive E2) and I'd like to use it to keep a copy of my backups.
I've mounted the bucket using S3FS, but since I can't use that as a PBS datastore, I was wondering if I can extract the backups from PBS and copy them to the S3FS mounted folder in a similar...
Hey, I configured logs to be sent to a syslog server using this tutorial
*.* @@your_syslog_server_ip:514
but I noticed that logs generated by tasks are not being sent. How to do so? I suppose this can be related also to Proxmox VE's tasks.
I'm trying to use Idrive E2 (S3 compatible) to my PBS instance to sync backups to, but every time I get the same error, and I was wondering if anyone was able to use E2.
The datastore manager takes some time, but at the end it spits out this:
root@pbs:/mnt# proxmox-backup-manager datastore...
Hey @fabian , thanks. I was asking because I remember that on PVE I can set a `tmpdir` in the `jobs.cfg` to specify a temp direcory where (I suppose) files are elaborated before sending the backup to the NAS
Hi guys, I recently installed PBS on my PVE as LXC container and I'm slowly migrating all of my QEMU VMs to LXC containers.
My setup is pretty basic: my mini-pc contains both PVE and PBS, and I configured PBS to use my NAS as a datastore. The NAS is connected to PVE via a PowerLine which is kind...
Hey Hannes,
thank you for the reply.
Some answers on StackOverflow had led me astray in that I thought version 4 used only 2049.
I'll apply that fix on my NFS server.
Thank you!
Hello all,
I've just setup a nfs server (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NFSv4Howto#NFSv4_Server) on my NAS (a QNAP with Debian installed).
The system should be using NFSv4, and so I manually edited my storage.cfg on PVE as following:
nfs: nas_proxmox_backups
I have a new LXC container with Alpine. It is not unprivileged, and with NFS and SMB/CIFS features enabled.
I installed the server with apk add nfs-utils and edited the exports file.
When I run rc-service nfs start, it fails with the following error:
fileserver:~# rc-service nfs start
Well, now I understand. Since I'm only a novice user of ProxMox, I would never thought of this.
Next time that I want to restore a backup of a VM with attached disk (not backupped), should I detach first the movies' disk and only after restore the VM?
I have this LXC container name 'fileserver', based on the Turnkey fileserver template.
It has a main disk with 4GB and attached as Mount Point (mp0) another disk, but with size 100G.
On the bigger disk I used to keep my movies.
I set the 100GB disk to don't backup, because, you know, I don't...
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