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  1. C

    backup status mailings for "backup success" despite all jobs being set to "On Failure only"

    Thanks for the pointer. I am somewhat confused why the option in the backup configuration is still there then? It seems to not do anything anymore (and frankly if it wasn't there, I'd have found the new notification system). Unfortunately, this also complicated a rather simple task...
  2. C

    backup status mailings for "backup success" despite all jobs being set to "On Failure only"

    Hi! on my Proxmox VE 8.1.3 I started getting backup status mailings when I upgraded from 8.0.x to 8.1.x. Despite not changing any configurations related to backup or mailings. All 3 backup jobs are set to notify only "on failure only". Previeously I've never gotten a notification because no...
  3. C

    Proxmox 8.0.4: No changes to VMs persis after host reboot

    Well so far, everything seems back to normal after removing folder2ram. I'm not sure if I could've gotten it to work again (with better or more conservative folder selection, like only log/cache folders), but in any case it seems more fragile than I had assumed/hoped. So it's probably not worth...
  4. C

    Proxmox 8.0.4: No changes to VMs persis after host reboot

    I'll disable/remove folder2ram completely then and reboot, I would hope that would then solve the issue. I will look a bit into what/how this got broken... Generally the content should still be persistent, as on reboot the ram content is suppsed to be sync'd back to disk. All reboots were...
  5. C

    Proxmox 8.0.4: No changes to VMs persis after host reboot

    Thanks so much for the almost instant response. I did search but didn't find that particular post/thread. And yes it at least seems related, finally a point to start searching for a cause/solution! I do have folder2ram installed like he did, also to reduce wear on SSDs but frankly it seems to...
  6. C

    Proxmox 8.0.4: No changes to VMs persis after host reboot

    Hello everyone, I'm having a hell of a time after upgrading my Proxmox 7 to 8 recently. NO changes I make to any VM (resulting in changed .conf files in /etc/pve/...) persist after I reboot the host machine. This includes entire lxc/vm configs just disappearing for any lxc/vm that didn't exist...
  7. C

    [SOLVED] Proxmox VE - Login failed. Please try again.

    Just to add another +1 to this, I also have a (very basic) cluster of 2 nodes. If one of them is down, I can't log into the other: I don't know yet why the 2nd node goes offline, it's a new problem and different issue, but when it's offline logins generally don't work on the other node. I can...