So I ran my server with a monitor plugged in, and it managed to run a whole 30 minutes before crashing, a new record. Normally it makes it at least 24 hours.
Anyway, there was unfortunately nothing to see on the display that appeared post boot, and none of the boot display messages were out of...
Hmm yes I was worried you might say that. Okay next time the server crashes I will have to figure out the easiest way of plugging in a display. thanks for the help :) will update once I've done that
Hi, thanks for replying!
The output is empty:
root@mish-server:~# cat -A /var/lib/pve-manager/pve-replication-state.json
I've now deleted the file, even if it's not the cause of the crash, maybe that will stop the logspam?
Back to the more important issue, with syslog...
For the last few months my home server has been frequently crashing, with the last lines in syslog invariably being the one written in the title:
Jul 18 05:24:59 mish-server pvescheduler[117070]: replication: invalid json data in '/var/lib/pve-manager/pve-replication-state.json'
Jul 18 05:25:59...
When I say that the disk is not mounted this is what I mean:
minerstat@MiningServer:~/minerstat-os$ lsblk
sda 8:0 0 32G 0 disk
sdb 8:16 0 7G 0 disk
├─sdb1 8:17 0 6,8G 0 part /
├─sdb2 8:18 0 20M 0 part /media/storage...
I'm fairly new to Proxmox VE but I have a decent amount of experience using VmWare vCenter/vSphere/ESXi.
When I created my VM I created a 32GB disk to be used as storage for the VM, however I now don't think I actually need it as I'm able to do what I need to with that VM without even...
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