I've been trying to copy data off self burned DVDs / CDs - they have not worked 99% of the time when passed through, but the disc and drive is fine as it works when booted directly into Windows 10 and accessing the same hardware without any VM / Proxmox. Which is very frustrating!
Did you ever sort this? I have a similar issue in that a DVD drive passed through has total read errors on nearly every CD / DVD I try, but if i boot directly to W10 (not in a VM, and without changing any hardware), the discs read perfectly with no errors. Any ideas?
Thanks Eoin - how do I go about creating those partitions? Do I need to do it in another OS, such as Windows, then re-try the install, or do I need to do it in the Proxmox install boot environment (and if so, how do i do that)?
I'm new to Proxmox, ZFS, and Linux so I'm setting up a test rig to play around a bit and see if I like it. I've got 3 different sized spare disks: 320 GB x 2 (different manufacturers) and 500GB that I'd like to use just to play with, ideally in RAID-Z1. I'm happy that I'd only get the...
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