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  1. G

    Zabbix template/plugin to monitor various backup activities on Proxmox

    Hello Forum, Currently there doesn't appear to be an update that would solve my problem of mail FROM for notification messages is I would like then to add to my Zabbix Monitoring Server templates and/or plugins to help me determine the following: status of backups...
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    Trace Flag in SQL Server 2016 - Is this still helpful/required?

    Hello Forum, We run SQL Server 2016 on a Windows 2019 VM in Proxmox 6.4-6. I found this forum post from the proxmox tweaks page - This post mentions "Setting the trace flag -T8038 will drastically...
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    [SOLVED] Can't send emails from PBS without "Email from address" options setting

    You're right! @janssensm Very sorry for this mistake. I totally forgot I had already asked this question previously. Thank you for pointing me back to the original post I made. I'll watch the bug report in hopes of this getting fixed soon by Proxmox.
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    [SOLVED] Can't send emails from PBS without "Email from address" options setting

    Hello Forum, On my Proxmox Virtual Environment (PVE) I have within options the ability to set an "email from address". This allows me to receive emails from my PVE server. But on PBS there appears to not be a similar option. This means all my emails get stuck so to speak and can't be...
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    Advice on small server for PBS backup for an offsite location

    Hi @Einar Stenberg , How much Ram do you have in your HP microserver gen 10 plus? And does the HP microserver gen 10 plus come with ILO installed or did you buy that extra? Thank you.
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    Mail From for notification message

    Thanks @janssensm for adding an enhancement request! I'm adding my voice to this as well as currently I have no way to receive emails on PBS activities without the ability to change the from address: In PVE under Datacenter > Options I can change my Email From Address to what I need. This...
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    Checking for VM's with Lock

    Thanks very much @mira for you reply. I've checked all my nodes and confirmed none are locked. But is there a command I can use to lock a VM? I want to test these pvesh commands and confirm they show me a locked VM. I can see in qm help there is an unlock <vmid> command. But I don't see a...
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    [SOLVED] Questions around subscriptions for PBS

    Thanks very much @t.lamprecht for explaining this to me. Very good information to know!
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    Checking for VM's with Lock

    Hello Forum, Referring to this post I found: It says to install "jq" and use the following command: pvesh get /nodes/$(hostname)/qemu --output-format=json | jq -cr '.[] | select(.["lock"]) | .["vmid"]' to check for VM's...
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    [SOLVED] Questions around subscriptions for PBS

    Hello @dcsapak , Thank you for your reply to my post! I definitely agree that using the enterprise repo is best for production use. I was more concerned if I use the free repo at first and then apply my license to use the enterprise there anything in the free repo that may be more...
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    [SOLVED] Questions around subscriptions for PBS

    Hello Team, Now that PBS has been released as 1.0 Stable (Congratulations!), how will subscriptions work when using PBS? I have subscriptions for my Proxmox PVE nodes already. Can I use the same type of subscription and add it to my PBS server and receive enterprise updates or do I need to...
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    [SOLVED] Pruning: What happens when removing a VM and later creating a new one with the same ID

    Hello @t.lamprecht , I'd like to add/confirm something with regards to this question. I thought that the first new backup for a VMID would be full and subsequent backups would be incremental. So if a windows VM was deleted and 3 days later a Linux VM was created using the now freed up VMID...
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    Advice on small server for PBS backup for an offsite location

    Or perhaps someone can point me to the minimum requirements needed to run PBS on a server. Again this server I'm looking to buy is my offsite (third) PBS server. I already have two in my main office as primary and backup. I'm looking for a cost effective way to have offsite syncing of my PBS...
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    Advice on small server for PBS backup for an offsite location

    Hello Forum, I'm running PBS on two Supermicro Servers (48 GB Ram each). Server 2 syncs datastore from server 1. So far it's working very well. We have a second building down the street from our main office connected through a site to site VPN. I'd like to setup a small server into this...
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    pxar file browser

    Thank you Thomas (@t.lamprecht ). I'm hoping you can help clarify things for me please. I have both Linux and Windows KVM's in my environment. I do have a couple of containers and I can confirm on a container I do have the explore action icon available. I'd like to better understand what...
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    pxar file browser

    Hello @t.lamprecht , Thank you for this reply! My VM's are full VM's (not containers). I backup my VM's using Proxmox ZSTD and Snapshot Mode. What is the criteria to take block level backups of my VM's so that I may explore them for file level restore? What I mean is...what backup...
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    Re: Enhancement/Bug - 3044 - Allow a user to push his datastore to a remote server

    Thank you @wolfgang for weighing in on my post. I look forward to this being enabled. Being able to easily sync to an offsite PBS for disaster is an important business requirement and this will help vendors of Proxmox products help support the Proxmox community more easily stand up such a...
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    [SOLVED] Advice on PBS datastore setup and what impact PBS has on running VM's

    Hello @Stefan_R and @oversite , Very much appreciate your replies. I agree with both of your assessments of PBS and datastores. I hadn't thought about the size of my "static" vm's backups not increasing due to minimal changes and dedupe. And you are correct in that one datastore could see...
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    Get notified upon sync completion

    Thank you @wolfgang for this reply. is this an option on the roadmap? Thank you.
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    pxar file browser

    Hello @t.lamprecht, The version of PBS I'm running is newer - Backup Server 0.8-21 BETA. I'm not seeing the option to explore my backup like the picture you showed in the Action Column. I see Verify, Delete, Prune and Download. But no explore option is available for any of my backups. is...