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  1. N

    First VM Start up delay

    Hi... How can I set up start up delay on the first VM (like VM 101) only. I have already seen the below link, and It is only referring to the VMs after the first VM (order 1). Thank you for your kind help
  2. N

    Looking for the option Configuration....

    Hi ... Looking for "Configuration/System/Reports" in PROXMOX 4 but cannot see it. can someone help, please. Thanks....
  3. N

    No VLAN For VM

    Alright ... thank you so much for your help.
  4. N

    No VLAN For VM

    No ... the latest 4.0 is not installed .... I downloaded the ISO version 4.0-0d8559d0-17 Thanks.
  5. N

    No VLAN For VM

    I set The bonding mode to active-backup in the Web UI, but in the file: proc/net/bonding/bond0 is set to load balancing (round-robin). I modify the file bond0 and rebooted but the changes revert back to load balancing ....
  6. N

    Proxmox 4 / KVM / Network Connectivity issues

    Can you please let us know when the ISO file will be updated to the latest 4.0. The current version is: 4.0-0d8559d0-17
  7. N

    Proxmox 4 / KVM / Network Connectivity issues

    Is there a release note for the latest 4.0 version to know what are the fixes ... Thank you.
  8. N

    No VLAN For VM

    Just tried out on the Linux VM. Same issue as Windows VM. at this point it is not a driver issue .... Anyone could help us .... Thanks.
  9. N

    No VLAN For VM

    Also, please note with only eth0 ping works alright but with eth0 and eth1 active I have the ping one way issue. Thank you for your help...
  10. N

    No VLAN For VM

    As recommended by proxmox "VIRTIO" drivers and VIRtIO .... driver version is build>> 102
  11. N

    No VLAN For VM

    Thanks for the reply. I have already followed that but having an issue where from the Windows KVM, I can ping the host or any other VMs without bond0 with no delay or lag that's perfect but pining the windows KVM with the bond0 Configured in the host is with delays.... I do not understand why...
  12. N

    No VLAN For VM

    Hi ... I am trying to get the following configuration working; /--------\ /---------\ /-----\ /-----\ /------\ |Internet|---|eth0/eth1|---|bond0|---|vmbr0|---|VM NIC| \--------/ \---------/ \-----/ \-----/ \------/ Can someone, please, give an example of the "interfaces"...
  13. N

    "Activate Pending Network Changes Now....WITHOUT REBOOT!"

    Hi ... Thanks wolfgang for the reply .... I just want to know, if I change the file: /etc/network/interfaces and restart the network service, is sufficient enough or must reboot. Thank you for your help ......
  14. N

    "Activate Pending Network Changes Now....WITHOUT REBOOT!"

    Thanks for the reply. Since, i Do not know what the pvenetcommit does, I am not sure if we could do as you have suggested. Do you know what the service does.? Thank you for your help
  15. N

    "Activate Pending Network Changes Now....WITHOUT REBOOT!"

    Good day All.... Adding vLan and OVSIntPort to each host, wondering if there is a way to avoid reboot on Proxmox 4, to activate network changes I have searched everywhere, what i have found so far, is to start: /etc/init.d/pvenetcommit.... But, pvenetcommit does not exist in that path in...
  16. N

    PVE Repository Manual download

    Hi ... The running PROXMOX machine has no internet connection. How can I download all the pve repository updates to another machine with internet access and then, move it over to the PROXMOX machine. Thank you for your help ...
  17. N

    Bridge Bond0 - Lost Nework

    Good to know, do you have the link (or the name of the package) to the package that fixes this issue, please..... ;) Thank you for your help .....
  18. N

    Bridge Bond0 - Lost Nework

    I think this is a bug report. Linux bond création is broken through Web interface.
  19. N

    Bridge Bond0 - Lost Nework

    Thanks for the link.... And for your help and time.
  20. N

    Bridge Bond0 - Lost Nework

    Also, I think we can't remove vmbr0, as the network management uses vmbr0 not bond0..... It's a very simple configuration.... Just two NICs with teaming.... Like one NIC active and the other standby... But it just doesn't seem to work.