I cannot give you easily a df -h because I have to start a backup cycle. Then the disk is full and so gui and all services will stop. Anyway I will try.
Explain please
Proxmox 6.3-6 PBS 1.0-11
I have already extracted them from vzdump in the first post: vma.gz of 390, 270, 59 gb (this...
This is the backup log in proxmox server:
2021-04-05T23:24:50+02:00: starting new backup on datastore 'backups': "vm/103/2021-04-05T21:24:47Z"
2021-04-05T23:24:50+02:00: GET /previous: 400 Bad Request: no valid previous backup
2021-04-05T23:24:50+02:00: created new fixed index 1...
ProxmoxBackup Server 1.0-11
Root Disk
Bad Request (400)
ENOENT: No such file or directory
No valid subscription
You do not have a valid subscription for this server. Please visit www.proxmox.com to get a list of available options.
2021-04-05T00:00:00+02:00: starting garbage...
I have found some garbage collect logs:
ProxmoxBackup Server 1.0-11
Root Disk
Bad Request (400)
ENOENT: No such file or directory
No valid subscription
You do not have a valid subscription for this server. Please visit www.proxmox.com to get a list of available options.
I have just deleted again the datastore because when it fills the entire machine goes down because the filesystem is full.
This evening I will do again. But please note that I am starting from scratch: this was the FIRST backup of my three VMs. So there is no log of a garbage collect: I have...
I suppose this log wiil reply to all your questions:
INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 103 --remove 0 --node siippve1 --storage pbs --mode suspend
INFO: Starting Backup of VM 103 (qemu)
INFO: Backup started at 2021-04-05 23:24:47
INFO: status = running
INFO: backup mode: suspend
I have a PBS 1.0-11 with 1.5 tb of space. I am backupping three VMs with disks 800 800 and 500. Disks are almost empty if I do backups with zstd I get vma.gz of 390, 270, 59 gb. Now I use PBS and I fill 1.5gtb without backupping the third VM. It seems compression is not applied but I have...
I suspect that when you ask for a snapshot (it another thread is confirmed that snapshots WITH ram do not work anymore) or for a bitmap (to do differential backups) the VM hangs.
Ok infact today I have many VMs blocked. It is correlated probably to backups because now I get for each VM: "qmp command 'query-backup' failed - got timeout" from backup task that uses PBS.
I have the same problem with Proxmox Backup Server and Ceph. Probably is correlated to: https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/all-vms-locking-up-after-latest-pve-update.85397/page-3
Because when VMs are locked also backups got timeout.
I have dis
Yes because most zfs people will reply as a mantra that it is your fault because for sure you will for sure have used an hardware raid controller.
And nobody really hear for the real problem.
Anyway I am using uefi and it is flawless (even in virtual machines...)
I would like to add another info: I have another HP Server that I use as a pfsense firewall (no proxmox, no virtualization, nothing)
The gateway monitoring algorithm gets crazy several times a day. If I put in ilom "static high performance" all works perfectly.
It seems to me a serious bug of hp...
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