Thanks for any tips guys.
I don't get it - now it just works :D
I've Cloned my standard Win10 template, and just used basic setup (the weird thing is I had to use romfile before, and now it works without) using vfio but used standard SeaBIOS.
...getting back to Vegas for a moment: ... ... it's even worse than I thought -> a bit better than GTX1070 power hog.
Can someone please write here a version of NVidia drivers that they have succcessfully installed in their VM ?
That would be great. But AMD means more $ for less fps and higher TDP. And on top of that I'd have to buy a new monitor with FreeSync (and I really like this one).
I've managed to put offline PVE for some time yesterday and did install a clean Windows 10 as main OS. Now I know that my config...
I'm trying to resolve the infamous 43 error with installing NVidia drivers on a Windows 10 VM with a GTX 1080 Ti passed to it. I've tried some different configs and nothing works. Earlier I was testing the setup with my little 10" HDMI test monitor, and I've managed to setup the drivers...
That's what I was writing about... Unity works, old desktop works (ie. displays properly), spice drivers installed, spice client active. But resolution change doesn't work etc.
I've tried renaming spiceqxl.xorg.conf to xorg.conf in X11 config dir but that gave me a black screen.
@tom just tried a clean Ubuntu Server 16.04.2 install and installed ubuntu-desktop - can't even change the resolution. Then I've installed by hand xserver-xspice. Still no monitor detected and can't change the resolution (also automatic res change doesn't work either).
BTW you do know that I...
Just seen something weird.
After the guest OS booted the first thing I did is to open the screen settings. Ans there it was - Unknown monitor with the abillity to change the resolution.
But all that dissapeared right after I've tried resizing the Remote Viewers window (so right when it was...
I have PVE running the Ubuntu Server v16.04.2. I've installed desktop on it for some testing. After installing desktop I've installed:
after reboot I do see that the vdagent works (mouse moves fine between the guest and the viewing OS - tried viewing...
Since I first tried to install 5.5b2 (on a virgin drive) and it came with exactly the same errors I don't think this matters. The errors come up after it makes the partitions.
@Rhinox "PVE 4.4 installs fine on this drive" - so it's more probable that it's some kind of 5.0 installer problem.
@wolfgang Thank you for that. Yes I do have the latest FW installed. I'll try to install that microcode, but that still wont help with the installer.
I just bought a new rig for use with PVE.
The specs are:
I'm having problems installing PVE 5.0b2 on my NVMe drive (PVE 4.4 installs fine on this drive).
Those are the problems the installers having trying to install on this drive:
Standard install:
Debug install:
I can install PVE...
I don't relly know how this applies to me ?
I have a 13x2TB RAID5 array - how do you propose the rdiff mirror would help here ?
Those problems presented in the link from post #1 here were much more severe - after a few days of lots and lots of system halts, I finally went back to Ubuntu Server...
So, no official support yet ?
As I remeber last time I've installed Proxmox and mdadm using some tutorial like this one:
Is the Wheezy installation method better ?
I'd like to know because the data...
I haven't been here in a while.
Just wanted to check if Proxmox still doesn't support for mdadm RAID, but just HW RAID ?
(last time I've used it with mdadm - I think that was v2.3 or something like that - I've had major problems...
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