what your suggest to auto backup for specific disk of vm
bcs i have data that need to backup daily and another not importent possible weekly
to any one have idea
prefers through Web interface.
Best Regards
for me by change the setting of that user in /etc/pve/user.cfg from
strange i check `/etc/pve/domains.cfg ` there is no thing
maybe bcs there is just one node
when try full clone get this
create full clone of drive ide2 (ssd4-out:vm-107-cloudinit)
Logical volume "vm-116-cloudinit" created.
create full clone of drive scsi0 (ssd4-out:vm-107-disk-0)
Logical volume "vm-116-disk-0" created.
i have many templates that named as base-* if its linked clone, how to know to which disj is linked?
i want to remove some disks but i need to know if title linked to another disk or not?
I Created Linked Clone but no sign on volume ID
create linked clone of drive scsi0 (local-lvm:base-102-disk-0)
WARNING: You have not turned on protection against thin pools running out of space.
WARNING: Set activation/thin_pool_autoextend_threshold below 100 to trigger automatic extension...
for build openwrt on proxmox see this
for support:
and easier and more helpfull see...
i was trying to boot opnsense but the .img file not readable by the bios or there something wrong
i try nano & vga but no luck
the version nano: OPNsense-22.1.2-OpenSSL-nano-amd64.img
the version vga: OPNsense-22.1.2-OpenSSL-vga-amd64.img
so any one facing the same issue and success on...
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