I've been dealing with a problem for days. A lot of spam comes to our mail accounts from different mail servers. The sending mail server is not filtered because it is clean. I can block a rope or domain. But it comes from too many ip addresses and domains.
Mail from server...
Hi, maybe there is something like this in general but I want to ask. If the mail server is closed, can we hold this mail on the pmg side? Let the mail server deliver pmg when it opens.
Hi Stoiko,
Yes, i added all server is ntp server. Now no error is cluster.
As an extra, I encountered an error like this.
"database sync 'pmg4' failed - command 'rsync '--rsh=ssh -l root -o BatchMode=yes -o HostKeyAlias=pmg4' -q -aq --timeout 10 '[*.*.*.*]:/var/spool/pmg/cluster/4/'...
It is likely that the problem has been solved. I'm not getting an error right now. Since the other side is a large bank, he says that they do not have a problem. We couldn't explain it. If you add the IP address of the opposite servers from the GUI-> Configuration-> Mail Proxy-> Whitelist...
Hello Stoiko,
http://www.postfix.org/POSTSCREEN_README.html for such cases, we could exclude the server that gave an error in the postscreen_access file. I was going to write how I fixed the problem, but I'm having trouble with the cluster.
The postscreen_access file is up-to-date on my master...
Hello, there was a situation that caught my attention. It gives the protocol error in the ones written in capital letters. Could postfix be giving errors about uppercase? I couldn't find another log record.
Mar 9 13:23:19 pmg4 postfix/postscreen[13873]: DISCONNECT [123.456.789.123]:59713
Hi, we're having this problem. He makes the same mistake for mail from a bank. Any progress has been made? Is this all about the other side?
Mar 9 15:16:56 pmg4 postfix/postscreen[13873]: DISCONNECT []:58902
Mar 9 15:17:04 pmg4 postfix/postscreen[13873]: CONNECT from []:58918 to...
Hi Stoiko,
I want to use it for 3 servers. I do not know new with these issues. That's why I'm asking a lot of questions. Thank you.
Is the following configuration correct? I did some research for if and else. I also examined the template page you provided.
pmg1.domain.com -> master...
[[ IF + (optionally ELSEIF ) + ELSE (at the end) ]] as I understand it should be as follows:
[% IF dns.hostname == 'pmg1.domain.com' %]
relay1 unix - - n - - smtp
-o smtp_bind_address=
-o smtp_helo_name=pmg1.domain.com
-o syslog_name=relay1
relay2 unix - - n - - smtp
Hi Stoiko,
Thank you so much. Tonight I will experiment with the following configuration. I will let you know the results.
[%- IF dns.hostname == 'pmg1.domain.com' -%]
sender_dependent_default_transport_maps = randmap:{relay1,relay2}
[%- ELSE %]
[%- ELSIF dns.hostname ==...
Hi William,
As far as I understand, I made a configuration below. If I have a mistake, can you correct it? Is it a correct configuration?
Now pmg1.domain.com main.cf
sender_dependent_default_transport_maps = randmap:{relay1,relay2}
after editing:
[%- ELSIF...
Hi Stoiko,
I examined the subject, but I did not understand how to configure. Can you give an example for the arrangement I will make in main.cf and master.cf?
Would the following example be correct?
Now pmg1.domain.com main.cf
sender_dependent_default_transport_maps =...
Hello Stoiko,
you actually understand what i mean. I use the template system and it works very well.
Main.cf and master.cf are the same on all my servers because it is in the cluster structure.
As an example, the production is as follows:
pmg1.domain.com -> Cluster Master -> Rondom out ips...
How can I run any IP address on servers in the entire cluster structure? My goal is this: I can only send mail from one server with random ip addresses in cluster production with 4 servers. I added all the ip addresses to my server with random ip addresses. This time I cannot send mail...
@Stoiko Ivanov thanks for helping.
Due to the time difference between the servers, they did not enter the cluster configuration. They successfully got inside with the settings below. Now they are all in clusters.
root@pmg5:~# timedatectl set-ntp no
root@pmg5:~# timedatectl set-time 12:49:10...
We are considering a large structure. Currently I could not add 3 node servers to the cluster structure. Some logs are as follows:
root@pmg8:~# tail -f /var/log/syslog
Jan 22 12:44:27 pmg8 pmgmirror[3036]: database sync 'pmg9' failed - large time difference (> 10394 seconds) - not syncing
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