Ah, you are an Internet Developer and an Internet Lawyer. Do you also do tax policy?
This is why people get annoyed with you. You ask a question, you get an answer, but then you don't like the answer so you start arguing that somebody is Doing It Wrong and demand further explanations and it...
I guess because most people don't want HA on all of their VM's. Also, you need more than two nodes for HA to work (see documentation that is linked at the top of the PVE screen).
You seem to think you are entitled to an answer for whatever random question pops into your head don't you? Why don't they use tags, why do they use sqlite, why do they not allow certain discussion on the forum. It gets tiresome.
I took you out of the bin because you do sometimes say useful...
And yet you can copy from the config file quite easily. If it is a devious plot by "them" it seems kind of ineffective.
I am suspecting that your deduction about the purpose of that code may be somewhat inaccurate. Maybe you could try asking instead of making accusations.
That is true. Best practice would be to export different shares via NFSv3 and v4 if you need to have v3 enabled.
My point was that NFSv4 simply doesn't support the share browsing features that the OP was asking the Proxmox team to implement. That only works with v3, or with v4 + LDAP or...
FreeIPA is basically Kerberos + LDAP + PKI integrated together. Roughly like Active Directory for Linux.
There is no replacement for RPC in NFSv4. Which means no share browsing functionality, at least not that I am aware of. You have to set up an out-of-band way to obtain that information and I...
I use FreeIPA so I export automout maps and use Kerberos to manage authentication. For most people that is a lot of infrastructure to get trained up on. FreeIPA simplifies it a lot but still ..
Is there even a way to enumerate NFS4 exports without the port mapper? Not an NFS expert but I can't think of a way to do that. You just have to know (or have access to the server).
Also, containers don't need their own NTP. They get time from the host. So really if the host has a working NTP you are done unless you also want to serve time to VMs.
If it starts at 10 (and goes up I presume?) and you are using 5 and 9 that should be fine. The fact that changing the MAC made it work (and stay working?) points to something blocking it, a firewall or intrusion detection software, or maybe an IP or MAC conflict.
I'm also assuming that the...
Things don't magically change to qcow2 by themselves. That's the first thing.
The second thing is the question of where these VM's really are. You say they are on your ZFS pool but the system seems to think they are on /mnt/pve/Storage/images. What is that? If it is a mounted share of some...
Did you do any troubleshooting at all before posting? What is the output of "chronyc sources" for example?
There is a fundamental problem here. Chrony (and NTPd as well) won't serve time if it isn't synced, or rather it will tell clients that it isn't synchronized and they will refuse to use...
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