Unasked for advice, use paravirtualized VirtIO for the network devices instead of e1000. It’s faster and takes up less host cpu resources. Only use e1000 if some unusual requirement forces it.
so you want to bridge OPNsense WAN (net1) to OPNsense OPT1(net2)? Seems unusual that you would not...
Sometimes the shift from ifupdown to ifupdown2 can cause issues, quick check below if the interface naming did not change.
Virtio uses less CPU and has a higher throughput ceiling than e1000, so the rule of thumb would be not to use e1000 ever unless some specific reason or incompatibility forces you.
Just so things are clear, WAN plugs into which interface [eno1, enp1s0f(0,1,2,3)] on the proxmox node?
Is WAN...
Easy stuff first.
Use paravirtualized VirtIO and not e1000 for those opnsense network devices in Proxmox And turn off the Proxmox firewall for now on each as well.
first picture from OPNsense webgui - why are your lan and wan in the same subnet? and
Should not need anything special on the proxmox side, once iommu passthrough is working properly.
When setting up Vlans on a new OPNsense you are required to enable the parent interface (new requirement since the 22 and above series opnsense) even if it is not used otherwise.
Is your gateway from your ISP? you could try Routed Configuration or Masquerading (NAT) with iptables instead of the default Configuration using a bridge.
Well looks like the non-working server is now different than the working version. Does someone else have access and passwords to your server? An update to ifupdown2 will not add a bond0 or ifb1 and ifb2 interfaces.
You say servers are exactly the same, but the server with the network down list ifb0 and ifb1 as available interfaces. Those are not listed on the working server with ip addr. Did you recently add a PCI card to this non-working server? Once you get the machine working again you really should...
have You tried the more straightforward method of using your vlan aware vmbr0 for your VM/LXC guest then assigning either vlan 2 or 3 at the vm-hardware- network device or LXC-network levels in the Proxmox webgui?
Agree and would go as far as to say the standard suggested FRR log level in the Proxmox wiki /etc/frr/frr.conf should be changed to warning as opposed to informational
Would also suggest a vm/lxc. In fact @tteckster has been kind enough to set up a github with proxmox scripts to easily startup LXC for basically everything you listed. Click the "server-networking" tab for tailscale and others. Pihole (my choice adguard) are under "adblocker-DNS"...
Agree, something is broken with multicast over proxmox Linux bridges.
I will test the couple VM/lxc currently needing multicast with OVS and report back. What does your ovs section look like from /etc/network/interfaces?
You could just install a VyOS, openwrt or OPNsens/pfSense as vm on Proxmox as well. Let that guest vm do pppoe and then have Proxmox access wan through the vm, if you don’t want to use additional baremetal hardware.
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