Yes, if the computer is not a member of the domain, then it will be difficult with OneDrive. Teams work without to join to the domain (normally). And of course it also works with Gnome. Teams is desktop-independent.
I tested this here on my ceph cluster. Work normally. I tested it with 3 nics in my cloud init template.
This message confuses me a little. Do both Proxmox servers have the same version? pveversion -v
hmm... are you using a proxy/reverse proxy or something else?
With a single node, this message should not appear. Do you see something in the logs? So please execute this command while you reproducing the error via SSH:
journalctl -f
Have all services been started cleanly?
systemctl --failed
Of course, this can have many causes. Your stats only shows one hour. Is the I/O delay currently still in this same state?
You can, for example, use these commands to output information for I/O wait.
watch -n1 iostat
With htop you can also sort processes.
Maybe new data are...
Windows is not necessary for Teams. Teams works normally on (K)ubuntu, just like in Windows itself. I have been using it for a good two years on Kubuntu 22.04. Teams is also available via Snap, but that often didn't work well. That's why we added the DEB package to our repository. I always keep...
You use for example ext4 on a virtual harddrive. Where this virtual disk is stored and what storage format is used doesn't matter. And yes, I also use a ZFS pool for this. Quota works according to the manufacturer of the Linux system you are using. Thus, the quota feature is...
I use drive for root (default) and for datastore like SMB i add a second drive to LXC.
There are disadvantages with LXC, yes. That's why I no longer use LXC for large storage. PBS always has to go through the whole container space when backing up. With a full KVM, PBS does not have to do that...
You can customize this script for yourself and use it after installation. It also saves you a lot of work.
If you didn't use bindmounts but a subvol, you wouldn't have to worry about the backup. Then it would work with PBS. Wouldn't that be an option for you?
Alles klar, voll legitim :cool:
Ich hab mir jetzt auch mit dem Script mal selbst ein Debian 12 installiert. Funktioniert wunderbar. Hostname war mit hostnamectl zu setzten. Wie vermutet wird DNS über resolvectl gesteuert. Somit hilft es auch nicht wenn du das verlinkte File editierst. Das...
Hallo @Hexxer :)
Welcher Seite, welches Script?
Gibt es eine speziellen Grund warum beide? Weil die machen im Endeffekt fast das gleiche.
Guck dir doch auch mal deine ganzen lokalen DNS/Hosts Settings an. Bei dir steht da ja sogar noch "localhost". Da sollte der Hostname der VM stehen...
I do it completely differently. (if I understand you correctly...)
I backup my LXC's (only the data) with BackupPC directly via SSH to the Proxmox host. This means I don't have a layer in between and the backup works independently of the container. It has worked perfectly for many years...
Thanks for the info's. Basically the server looks good. Straight forward setup. Please answer a few more questions:
What PVE Version to you use? pveversion -v
Is it possible that the RAM runs out of space and this causes a kernel panic? -> Check the stats on the hosts dashboard.
Check your...
Everything is ok in the network config.
Is it possible that only the internal firewall in Windows is blocking the ping?
Have you tried it from several devices?
This is only an image of the journal. As described above, this is automatically rotated. Or better said, cleaned up. You can set the size.
Please leave the root account as it is. With things like this, you can very quickly render the system unusable.
That's how I do it:
ON your Client machine create an SSH-Key and upload it to your Proxmox VE host
Set an special secure password for your root Account -> i use Bitwarden to store...
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