If you can define 802.1q VLANs, then no. If your switch is only capable of static/internal VLANs, then probably yes.
Working in a cyber range environment you should definitely strife for someone who knows VLANs in and out, if I may add. ;)
I didn't have any problems, so I can only guess. Maybe you can check /etc/network/interfaces of the upgraded host to differences compared to one of the others.
Please check the network connection in your Ceph networks, then. Maybe the network problems that some people talk about here after the upgrade, also caught you.
The cluster communication is offline, therefore the online OSDs are not recognized.
Try starting MON and MGR once more and provide the status output.
Please put the output in [ code ] tags, that way it's more readable. :)
Apart from MON and MGR not starting, also your OSDs are not up. What is the output of systemctl status ceph-osd@X.service having X one of the OSD IDs on the failing host?
Can't you manually start mon and mgr?
Setting noout during the upgrade prevents Ceph from doing any backfilling due to unexpected long reboot/down times. It's not directly necessary, but often pretty handy.
There probably are a couple of comparisons to find on the internet.
However, if I want the separation of a VM for whatever reasons, I wouldn't care about the additional resources needed.
As hard as this may sound: use this setup for gaming and get some server hardware if you want to run server workloads. Even with gaming grade specs this will still be a playground and nothing more.
Versuch es mal so:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface enp2s0 inet manual
auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet manual
bridge-ports enp2s0
bridge-stp off
bridge-fd 0
bridge-vlan-aware yes
bridge-vids 2-4094
auto vmbr0.10
iface vmbr0.10 inet static
Wenn VLAN 10 tagged ist, musst du ein VLAN-Interface vmbr0.10 mit der entsprechenden Adresse anlegen. Wenn es untagged ist, dann kommt die Adresse auf vmbr0 selbst.
I see the benefit for the WebGUI. For example, I check for a user certificate. But what is the benefit of connecting to the pbs service via a reverse proxy?
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