I did migrations recently and used
/usr/sbin/qm remote-migrate
However, both machines were running proxmox. One machine, the sender, did have thin drives and the receipient server did not. After tha transfer I did a
qemu-img convert -c -O qcow2
to shrink the drive down.
Thanks, so, like this?
1. boot into new kernel
2. ip a
3. cd /etc/network
4. cp interfaces interfaces.backup.just.in.case
5. nano -w interfaces
a. replace interface names without output of ip a, save and exit
6. service networking restart
Thanks, deleted prior post with info I would prefer not be public. Can provide directly if needed. I'll test out new names and new kernels this weekend. Thanks again.
I upgraded to 8.2 and now have no networking connections. I still have the same IP, but cannot ping out from the machine to the network or any VM. I am also unable to ping the host. Obviously cannot connect to web interface or reach any VM. Any suggestions please?
I tried disabling...
I solved this by installing the latest microcode, "apt install intel-microcode" which required enabling non-free in sources, which required a dependency which required I enable contrib in sources.
Previously from /proc/cpuinfo:
microcode : 0x2006a08
microcode : 0x2006d05
Solved it by adding the following line under iface vmbr0 inet static in /etc/network/interfaces
hwaddress XX:XX
The XX:XX is the full mac address of the physical interface.
I came in to ask same thing. Have tried upgrade and fresh install, neither has network connectivity. I should say both of my are into a VM on Hyper-V, which is my third machine in my quorum without intention of hosting other vms.
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