Recent content by walter.egosson

  1. W

    Proxmox "disk not found" after reboot

    Bonjour, We had proxmox version 7 installed as standalone (all VM in a host - no cluster) from official ISO and VMs disks were LVM. After a reboot, the host refused to boot with the following error: error: disk...
  2. W

    [SOLVED] misplaced objects after removing OSD

    For some reason, adding back the removed OSD brought back the cluster to healthy status, it looks like we missed something but cannot tell what.
  3. W

    [SOLVED] misplaced objects after removing OSD

    Hi! We have 3 identical servers running promox+ceph with 2 HDDs per server as OSDs: - OS: debian Buster - proxmox version 6.4-1 - ceph version 14.2.22-pve1 (nautilus) One OSD went down so we decided to remove it following the ceph documentation here. Now we have 5 OSD left: $ sudo ceph osd...
  4. W

    [SOLVED] ceph storage not available to a node

    We did applied it on the three proxmox with ceph enabled, not the last one We had to add the ceph repo and update+upgrade to fix it. Thank you a lot @aaron
  5. W

    [SOLVED] ceph storage not available to a node

    moreover, the ceph storage (named "storage") is marked as inactive on the 4th node by pvesm status command: root@srv-X:/etc/pve# sudo pvesm status got timeout Name Type Status Total Used Available % backsrv1 dir disabled...
  6. W

    [SOLVED] ceph storage not available to a node

    sorry, I made a typo, the 3 nodes have ceph nautilus root@srv-Y:/home/xxx# ceph version ceph version 14.2.20 (886a8c9442681274213d1c7e897b12624edf6c8a) nautilus (stable) The 4th node is just an additionnal node we just purchased, it has no ceph installed, it only accesses ceph
  7. W

    [SOLVED] ceph storage not available to a node

    hi! We have a 4 nodes proxmox 6 cluster. 3 nodes are proxmox 6 with ceph luminus (stable) and 1 additionnal node with just proxmox 6, no ceph. The thing is the ceph storage used to be availabe to that 4th node, but it suddenly became "status unknown" on the GUI while remaining "available" to the...
  8. W

    restore LXC with HA into local storage

    bonjour, I am aware of the fact that local storages do not support containers/VMs with HA. But I have to restore some LXCs backups (in .tar.lzo format) in local storage from time to time and I always fail (local storages are not meant for HA enabled containers/VMs ) Is there a way to disable HA...
  9. W

    proxmox 6 and ceph luminous

    Hi, We did the upgrade and yes, ceph was inaccessible until we finished to upgrade to proxmox 6. That is one minor issue we faced, but everything ended well. Another thing we noticed is the fact that ceph systemd services does not work well (at least on our system) so we had to disable them...
  10. W

    [SOLVED] LXC container inaccessible

    sorry for late feedback killing it with as @oguz stated solved the issue
  11. W

    [SOLVED] LXC container inaccessible

    Hi Guys, One of our LXC container went inaccessible: - ssh time out - noVNC console and Webinteface console goes black screen with a cursor blink - sudo pct enter <CTID> gives black screen as well But It is still possible to ping the container. The thing is we'va had had this issue before (with...
  12. W

    proxmox 6 and ceph luminous

    Hi guys, A little bit late but we are planning to upgrade our proxmox cluster from pve5 to pve6. Giving the official upgrade from 5.x to 6.x and Ceph luminous to nautilus docs. I have a question: will it be okay if I leave the cluster with ceph luminous after the upgrade to pve6, at least for a...
  13. W

    [SOLVED] adding back previously removed osd goes wrong

    sorry for the late response, added back via the GUI as you said solved the issue, it looks like GUI-way beat the console this time
  14. W

    [SOLVED] proxmox 5.13 unexpected reboot

    Sorry guys for the late reply, Throttling the speed down was the solution , now the cluster in fine NEVER MIX COROSYNC TRAFFIC WITH ANYTHING ELSE Cheers!
  15. W

    [SOLVED] adding back previously removed osd goes wrong

    Hi, For some reason, we removed an osd and decided to add it back under the same id (removed osd.6 then added it back under osd.6) We followed the ceph documentation: ceph documentation The problem is, the osd is not working anymore when we added it back 1/ the osd is marked as down (ceph osd...