Recent content by tgkmilo

  1. T

    [SOLVED] Some VMs on destination node crashes When a VM is migrated

    Okay, maybe I have to wait a little bit. Last week I have tryied to upgrade a node. When the reboot order has been sent, this node absolutely crashes. But, this failure have to be resolved in another post. Lot of thanks for your help, Best regards.
  2. T

    [SOLVED] Some VMs on destination node crashes When a VM is migrated

    Hello again, All nodes have AMD processor and kernel 5.15.60-1.
  3. T

    [SOLVED] Some VMs on destination node crashes When a VM is migrated

    Hello! I have a trouble when migrates a VM to another node from my pve clúster. Some VMs on destination node crashes. This situation is solved with a hard reset on these VMs, but I think that maybe you can help me with a better option. My pve cluster is composed for 6 nodes with a 7.2-11...
  4. T

    [SOLVED] CentOS 7 Migration: From XenServer to Proxmox VE

    [SOLVED] I have found the problem, and SOLUTION... When I have migrated old VMs the most recently pve version was 6.0-12 In this version all boot options for the guest are enabled by default, you only have to choose the order. On the other hand, on the most recently version (6.3-4) when we...
  5. T

    [SOLVED] CentOS 7 Migration: From XenServer to Proxmox VE

    Hello everyone! I'm trying to migrate a VM from XeServer(6.5) to Proxmox(6.3-4) Until few days ago, I can do it following next steps: 1. Export VMs from XenServer like OVF ( .ovf + .vhd file) 2. Convert VM disk (.vhd file) to qcow2 format (with StarWind 2V2 Converter) 3. Create a VM with...