Recent content by Elliott Partridge

  1. E

    fixing a full datastore...oops!

    fixing a full datastore...oops!
  2. E

    [SOLVED] ENOSPC No space left on device during garbage collect

    I've run into this before and moving chunks off the datastore, running garbage collect, and restoring them afterwards is what resolved it for me. Currently doing this again, as I accidentally doubled-up on an encrypted backup set. Note: You will see a bunch of warnings related to missing...
  3. E

    Replication failure improvement - staggering or bandwidth limit

    Thanks for the prompt response! I've attached the requested files, zipped up. There are many ZFS operations resulting in failed: got timeout, mostly if not exclusively occurring during backup jobs.
  4. E

    Replication failure improvement - staggering or bandwidth limit

    I routinely get replication job failures between the hosts in my 2-node Proxmox cluster. I have grown accustomed to ignoring them as they always recover on the next run. Is there a way to avoid these failures? I'm thinking of staggering the replication schedule between the two hosts, as they...
  5. E

    Clone status from command line

    List active tasks: root@host:~# cat /var/log/pve/tasks/active UPID:host:12345678:90ABCDEF:FEDCBA09:vzclone:133:root@pam: 0 UPID:host:DEADBEEF:FEEDBAC4:09876543:vzsnapshot:133:root@pam: 1 12345678 OK ... Identify task's "sorting character" - the last digit of the task's unique reference string...
  6. E

    [SOLVED] Proxmox AES-NI Support

    My Traefik container now runs much faster and makes Nextcloud more bearable! Thank you
  7. E

    [SOLVED] LXC USB Passthrough Hot-Plug Permissions

    I think I figured this out, thanks to some more searching and finding these posts:
  8. E

    [SOLVED] /dev USB permissions getting reset after a reboot

    This would modify permissions only for the endpoint that matches the rule spec (SUBSYSTEMS, KERNEL, PID, VID). The Bus/device IDs can change based on where the device is plugged in (or even after a reboot? Not sure), so I'd avoid depending on them. The way I understand the hierarchy is that...
  9. E

    [SOLVED] LXC USB Passthrough Hot-Plug Permissions

    I have two systems with a UPS connected via USB, which I pass-through to an LXC container with the corresponding management software (apcupsd, pwrstatd). However, on both systems, I have a problem if the USB connection is ever disconnected - the LXC container can no longer read the USB...
  10. E

    [SOLVED] /dev USB permissions getting reset after a reboot

    I think the more typical way to do this is to use udev rules. Or at least that's what I do for my UPS management container. I created the following file: /etc/udev/rules.d/50-apcups.rules SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", KERNEL=="hiddev*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="051d", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0002", GROUP="100000"...
  11. E

    Backup error - zfs error: cannot create snapshot dataset already exists

    I ran into this issue on a backup with multiple disks, which each had the @vzdump snapshot. I was able to delete all of them using: zfs destroy -r tank@vzdump Maybe there could be an option to automatically destroy any existing @vzdump snapshot prior to backup. I've had this happen several times.
  12. E

    [SOLVED] Systemd dependencies for mail forwarding

    Got it to work with pve-guests.service, but I did have to add a delay (using ExecStartPre) to give the mail server time to start up. Here's my final config (which successfully delivers mail for both start & shutdown): [Unit] Description=Send email at system Start and Stop Wants=postfix.service...
  13. E

    [SOLVED] Systemd dependencies for mail forwarding

    Another wrench in this is that my mail server may be running in a container on the host, so I would also want to start this systemd service after VMs & containers have started. Which service is that? lxc.service, pve-guests.service?
  14. E

    [SOLVED] Systemd dependencies for mail forwarding

    Looks like in @Stoiko Ivanov 's patch here, pve-cluster is modified to start before the MTA. So, my example above could be changed to only depend on the MTA (postfix)?
  15. E

    [SOLVED] Systemd dependencies for mail forwarding

    Piggy-backing off this thread: How should I set up the dependencies for a systemd service to ensure mail delivery during startup & shutdown of the system? From the thread linked...