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  • Sorry for the delay in my response. Everything seems to be working great other than the timing source for Conferencing. I get dmesg log errors because of the realtime clock losing time.
    Hi Rubylaser, I have a Dell 2970 coming in that I plan to deploy with Proxmox 1.4 and PBXIAF 1.4 in KVM containers. How's your setup working? Maybe we should start a Proxmox 1.4/PBXIAF post to document any weird things we find.

    It might be worthwhile to stay in touch so we can help each other out if we find issues with the installation.

    BTW, My server will not be in until the end of the month, but in the meantime I setup a box with Proxmox 1.4 and PBXIAF in an OpenVZ container. It was not very stable in my opinion.
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