Delivery Receipts


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2019
Hey Guys,

I run a DirectAdmin server with a smarthost setup for Proxmox Mail Gateway for outbound mail.

Can you please advise what I need to do to get Proxmox to deliver delivery receipt requests when they are checked in outlook or webmail?
I am assuming since DirectAdmin send's the mail to proxmox to actually deliver that proxmox would need to send back the delivery receipt?

Can you please advise how to get it to do so?

Kind Regards
Marcel Swart
check the logs of PMG for the mails send by your mailserver which do the notification about delivery receipts
AFAIK delivery notifications also happen via SMTP - thus the server which notices that a mail has been delivered would need to contact the PMG and send the delivery notification - this should show in PMG's mail.log - there you should also see why it's not working

I hope this helps!