Proxmox 5.0 replication


Renowned Member
Jan 17, 2017
Hello all,

I upgrade Proxmox 4.4 to proxmox 5.0 to have native replication and not by using command line pve-zsync.

I use on each node local storage.

With pve-zsync command line tool, i choose where i want to replicate the vm :

pve-zsync create --source --dest VM-STOCKAGE --verbose --maxsnap 2 --name svr-17-hve

But with the GUI i don't see where the replicate goes ... ????

On each node i have those storage :

volume group "FOG"
volume group "VM-STOCKAGE"
sauvegarde (on synology NAS)

When i initiate replication from node 1 to node 2 for VM id100 that is stored on VM-STOCKAGE on node 1, does the replicate go to VM-STOCKAGE on node 2 ?

When i initiate replication from node 1 to node 2 for VM id100 that is stored on VM-STOCKAGE on node 1, does the replicate go to VM-STOCKAGE on node 2 ?
yes currently, replication uses the same storage as the source disk(s)
is there a way to limit the amount of RAM used by replication ?

On my nodes, i have one 10gb fiber network card that is direct link between the nodes, how can i be sure that replication data is transfered through thoses cards ?
I have a replication problem on my nodes ...

On the first node everything is ok ... replication is working properly to the other node for my 5 VM

On the second one, i can't do replication, in log i have : "unable to open file - No such file or directory" for the 2 VM

can you explain me why ?
can you post the vm config and the content of /etc/pve/replication.cfg ?
Here is 106.conf one of the vm that don't replicate

boot: cdn
bootdisk: virtio0
cores: 2
ide2: local:iso/ubuntu-16.04.1-server-amd64.iso,media=cdrom,size=667M
memory: 4096
name: svr-12-hve
net0: virtio=FE:20:E9:9A:E1:75,bridge=vmbr7
numa: 0
onboot: 1
ostype: l26
scsihw: virtio-scsi-pci
smbios1: uuid=72a975fe-54c0-468c-9127-777bd3606f93
sockets: 1
virtio0: FOG:vm-106-disk-1,size=850G

Here is replication.cfg

local: 104-0
target svr-07-hve
schedule */2:00

local: 101-0
target svr-07-hve
schedule */1:00

local: 103-0
target svr-07-hve

local: 107-0
target svr-07-hve
schedule */2:00

local: 102-0
target svr-07-hve
schedule */2:00

local: 105-0
target svr-07-hve
schedule */2:00

local: 106-0
target svr-09-hve
schedule sun 01:00

local: 100-0
target svr-09-hve
schedule */5
can you also please post your /etc/pve/storage.cfg and the full log with the error message?
Here is the /etc/pve/storage.cfg

dir: local
path /var/lib/vz
content vztmpl,iso
maxfiles 1
shared 0

lvmthin: local-lvm
thinpool data
vgname pve
content images,rootdir

zfspool: VM-STOCKAGE
content rootdir,images
sparse 0

zfspool: FOG
pool FOG
content images,rootdir
sparse 0

dir: sauvegarde-proxmox
path /mnt/NAS_HVE
content backup
maxfiles 2
shared 0

Where do i find the replication log file ?
Last edited:
you can press the 'log' button in the gui and copy/paste it here. or where did you see the error?

On the second one, i can't do replication, in log i have : "unable to open file - No such file or directory" for the 2 VM

OK ! this is what i wrote on previous message, in the GUI in Log button i have this :

"unable to open file - No such file or directory"

Same message for the two VM on node svr-07-hve
On the node svr-09-hve everything is ok, all my VM are replicated
oh ok, it seems the replication did not run yet, what does it say was/is the last/next replication?
It never wants to replicate. When i try to launch it manually, same error message
can you post the output of
pvesr status
(from the node where it does not work)
JobID Enabled Target LastSync Next Sync Duration FailCount State
100-0 Yes local/svr-09-hve - pen ding - 0 OK
106-0 Yes local/svr-09-hve - pen ding - 0 OK
ok, i need more output (sry)

can you post the output of
systemctl list-timers
systemctl status pvesr
systemctl status pvesr.timer
root@svr-07-hve:~# systemctl list-timers
Wed 2017-07-12 14:32:55 CEST 51min left Tue 2017-07-11 14:32:55 CEST 23h ago s
Thu 2017-07-13 04:31:56 CEST 14h left Wed 2017-07-12 07:34:14 CEST 6h ago a
Thu 2017-07-13 06:24:23 CEST 16h left Wed 2017-07-12 06:37:55 CEST 7h ago a

3 timers listed.
Pass --all to see loaded but inactive timers, too.
lines 1-7/7 (END)...skipping...
Wed 2017-07-12 14:32:55 CEST 51min left Tue 2017-07-11 14:32:55 CEST 23h ago systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service
Thu 2017-07-13 04:31:56 CEST 14h left Wed 2017-07-12 07:34:14 CEST 6h ago apt-daily.timer apt-daily.service
Thu 2017-07-13 06:24:23 CEST 16h left Wed 2017-07-12 06:37:55 CEST 7h ago apt-daily-upgrade.timer apt-daily-upgrade.service

3 timers listed.
Pass --all to see loaded but inactive timers, too.
root@svr-07-hve:~# systemctl status pvesr
● pvesr.service - Proxmox VE replication runner
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/pvesr.service; static; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: inactive (dead)
root@svr-07-hve:~# systemctl status pvesr.timer
● pvesr.timer - Proxmox VE replication runner
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/pvesr.timer; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: inactive (dead)
ok it seems the pvesr timer is not enabled on that node, try
systemctl enable pvesr.timer