I have been running proxmox on a dual NVMe ZFS RAID mirror for a little while now, and i have learned of the way ZFS passively consumes memory. That way being 50% as a default base line and dynamically scaling down as applications consume more memory assuming i am correct. Given that ARC memory consumption can get out of the of my VMs automaticly and when needed, can be assumed to be there in times when memory is abundant, and is not critical to the performance (because NVMe) or functionality of the system. Is it possable to configure or at least reasonable to want the proxmox web interface to subtract the ARC cache from RAM usage in the web interface, and leave viewing statistics with ARC consumption for another graph or the arcstat and other commands. I just want to know at a glance how much memory my VMs and LXCs are using, and not be conserned every time i open the web interface for my singal node and go to look at memory usage.