You must initialize a disk before logical disk manager can access it after is lvm inactive


New Member
Aug 16, 2023
I had a problem, I previously had a Windows server 2016 system on my server, I installed new disks and loaded Proxmox 8 there, everything worked for more than a month. And one day I needed to restore some files on the old system. After starting Windows, I clicked on Disk Management and it asks me you must initialize a disk before logical disk manager can access it, I hastily clicked on Yes. After rebooting and I see that the systems located on the DATA disk do not boot. The disk shows lvm inactive. Then I realized that I erased the partition table... How can I restore functionality?

root@pve5:~# pveversion -v
proxmox-ve: 8.2.0 (running kernel: 6.8.4-2-pve)
pve-manager: 8.2.2 (running version: 8.2.2/9355359cd7afbae4)
proxmox-kernel-helper: 8.1.0
proxmox-kernel-6.8: 6.8.4-2
proxmox-kernel-6.8.4-2-pve-signed: 6.8.4-2
ceph-fuse: 17.2.7-pve3
corosync: 3.1.7-pve3
criu: 3.17.1-2
glusterfs-client: 10.3-5
ifupdown2: 3.2.0-1+pmx8
ksm-control-daemon: 1.5-1
libjs-extjs: 7.0.0-4
libknet1: 1.28-pve1
libproxmox-acme-perl: 1.5.0
libproxmox-backup-qemu0: 1.4.1
libproxmox-rs-perl: 0.3.3
libpve-access-control: 8.1.4
libpve-apiclient-perl: 3.3.2
libpve-cluster-api-perl: 8.0.6
libpve-cluster-perl: 8.0.6
libpve-common-perl: 8.2.1
libpve-guest-common-perl: 5.1.1
libpve-http-server-perl: 5.1.0
libpve-network-perl: 0.9.8
libpve-rs-perl: 0.8.8
libpve-storage-perl: 8.2.1
libspice-server1: 0.15.1-1
lvm2: 2.03.16-2
lxc-pve: 6.0.0-1
lxcfs: 6.0.0-pve2
novnc-pve: 1.4.0-3
proxmox-backup-client: 3.2.0-1
proxmox-backup-file-restore: 3.2.0-1
proxmox-kernel-helper: 8.1.0
proxmox-mail-forward: 0.2.3
proxmox-mini-journalreader: 1.4.0
proxmox-offline-mirror-helper: 0.6.6
proxmox-widget-toolkit: 4.2.1
pve-cluster: 8.0.6
pve-container: 5.0.10
pve-docs: 8.2.1
pve-edk2-firmware: 4.2023.08-4
pve-esxi-import-tools: 0.7.0
pve-firewall: 5.0.5
pve-firmware: 3.11-1
pve-ha-manager: 4.0.4
pve-i18n: 3.2.2
pve-qemu-kvm: 8.1.5-5
pve-xtermjs: 5.3.0-3
qemu-server: 8.2.1
smartmontools: 7.3-pve1
spiceterm: 3.3.0
swtpm: 0.8.0+pve1
vncterm: 1.8.0
zfsutils-linux: 2.2.3-pve2
root@pve5:~# ls -l /etc/lvm/archive
total 44
-rw------- 1 root root 936 Aug 22 15:56
-rw------- 1 root root 1386 Aug 22 15:56
-rw------- 1 root root 1809 Aug 23 09:21
-rw------- 1 root root 2242 Aug 23 09:21
-rw------- 1 root root 2676 Aug 23 09:21
-rw------- 1 root root 3110 Aug 23 09:21
-rw------- 1 root root 3538 Aug 28 15:40
-rw------- 1 root root 3971 Aug 28 15:40
-rw------- 1 root root 3474 Aug 22 14:33

root@pve5:~# lvscan
ACTIVE '/dev/pve/data' [<319.61 GiB] inherit
ACTIVE '/dev/pve/swap' [8.00 GiB] inherit
ACTIVE '/dev/pve/root' [96.00 GiB] inherit

root@pve5:~# pvs
PV VG Fmt Attr PSize PFree
/dev/sdb3 pve lvm2 a-- <446.13g 16.00g
root@pve5:~# vgs
VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree
pve 1 3 0 wz--n- <446.13g 16.00g
root@pve5:~# lvs
LV VG Attr LSize Pool Origin Data% Meta% Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
data pve twi-a-tz-- <319.61g 0.00 0.52
root pve -wi-ao---- 96.00g
swap pve -wi-ao---- 8.00g
root@pve5:~# nano /etc/lvm/lvm.conf
GNU nano 7.2 /etc/lvm/lvm.conf
# This is an example configuration file for the LVM2 system.
# It contains the default settings that would be used if there was no
# /etc/lvm/lvm.conf file.
# Refer to 'man lvm.conf' for further information including the file layout.
# Refer to 'man lvm.conf' for information about how settings configured in
# this file are combined with built-in values and command line options to
# arrive at the final values used by LVM.
# Refer to 'man lvmconfig' for information about displaying the built-in
# and configured values used by LVM.
# If a default value is set in this file (not commented out), then a
# new version of LVM using this file will continue using that value,
# even if the new version of LVM changes the built-in default value.
# To put this file in a different directory and override /etc/lvm set
# the environment variable LVM_SYSTEM_DIR before running the tools.
# N.B. Take care that each setting only appears once if uncommenting
# example settings in this file.

# Configuration section config.
# How LVM configuration settings are handled.
config {

# Configuration option config/checks.
# If enabled, any LVM configuration mismatch is reported.
# This implies checking that the configuration key is understood by
# LVM and that the value of the key is the proper type. If disabled,
# any configuration mismatch is ignored and the default value is used
# without any warning (a message about the configuration key not being
# found is issued in verbose mode only).
# This configuration option has an automatic default value.
# checks = 1

# Configuration option config/abort_on_errors.
# Abort the LVM process if a configuration mismatch is found.
# This configuration option has an automatic default value.
# abort_on_errors = 0

# Configuration option config/profile_dir.
# Directory where LVM looks for configuration profiles.
# This configuration option has an automatic default value.
# profile_dir = "/etc/lvm/profile"
Please, help..
root@pve5:~# vgcfgrestore --list DATA

File: /etc/lvm/archive/
VG name: DATA
Description: Created *before* executing '/sbin/lvcreate -aly -Wy --yes --size 528k --name vm-100-disk-0 --addtag pve-vm-100 DATA'
Backup Time: Thu Aug 22 15:56:40 2024

File: /etc/lvm/archive/
VG name: DATA
Description: Created *before* executing '/sbin/lvcreate -aly -Wy --yes --size 786432000k --name vm-100-disk-1 --addtag pve-vm-100 DATA'
Backup Time: Thu Aug 22 15:56:40 2024

File: /etc/lvm/archive/
VG name: DATA
Description: Created *before* executing '/sbin/lvcreate -aly -Wy --yes --size 528k --name vm-101-disk-0 --addtag pve-vm-101 DATA'
Backup Time: Fri Aug 23 09:21:12 2024

File: /etc/lvm/archive/
VG name: DATA
Description: Created *before* executing '/sbin/lvcreate -aly -Wy --yes --size 536870912k --name vm-101-disk-1 --addtag pve-vm-101 DATA'
Backup Time: Fri Aug 23 09:21:13 2024

File: /etc/lvm/archive/
VG name: DATA
Description: Created *before* executing '/sbin/lvcreate -aly -Wy --yes --size 536870912k --name vm-101-disk-2 --addtag pve-vm-101 DATA'
Backup Time: Fri Aug 23 09:21:13 2024

File: /etc/lvm/archive/
VG name: DATA
Description: Created *before* executing '/sbin/lvcreate -aly -Wy --yes --size 536870912k --name vm-101-disk-3 --addtag pve-vm-101 DATA'
Backup Time: Fri Aug 23 09:21:13 2024

File: /etc/lvm/archive/
VG name: DATA
Description: Created *before* executing '/sbin/lvcreate -aly -Wy --yes --size 528k --name vm-102-disk-0 --addtag pve-vm-102 DATA'
Backup Time: Wed Aug 28 15:40:23 2024

File: /etc/lvm/archive/
VG name: DATA
Description: Created *before* executing '/sbin/lvcreate -aly -Wy --yes --size 681574400k --name vm-102-disk-1 --addtag pve-vm-102 DATA'
Backup Time: Wed Aug 28 15:40:24 2024

File: /etc/lvm/backup/DATA/DATA
VG name: DATA
Description: Created *after* executing '/sbin/lvcreate -aly -Wy --yes --size 681574400k --name vm-102-disk-1 --addtag pve-vm-102 DATA'
Backup Time: Wed Aug 28 15:40:24 2024

Will this recovery data be useful?
PV /dev/sdb3 VG pve lvm2 [<446.13 GiB / 16.00 GiB free]
Total: 1 [<446.13 GiB] / in use: 1 [<446.13 GiB] / in no VG: 0 [0 ]
root@pve5:~# pvesm status
Name Type Status Total Used Available %
DATA lvm inactive 0 0 0 0.00%
local dir active 98497780 30346740 63101492 30.81%
local-lvm lvmthin active 335134720 0 335134720 0.00%
root@pve5:~# blkid
/dev/mapper/pve-root: UUID="8d408bf9-7e0b-4655-a43b-7e6e6434b703" BLOCK_SIZE="40 96" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/nvme0n1p1: LABEL="M-PM-^RM-PM->M-QM-^AM-QM-^AM-QM-^BM-PM-0M-PM-=M-PM->M-PM- 2M-PM-8M-QM-^BM-QM-^L" BLOCK_SIZE="512" UUID="343EF0453EF00222" TYPE="ntfs" PART LABEL="Basic data partition" PARTUUID="693f2cf5-dfaf-42b0-99a7-c35e620a7a2c"
/dev/nvme0n1p4: BLOCK_SIZE="512" UUID="0A3CFADA3CFAC02D" TYPE="ntfs" PARTLABEL=" Basic data partition" PARTUUID="228760eb-f14c-49a2-8850-26d78eeeae33"
/dev/nvme0n1p2: LABEL="ESP" UUID="E2F0-776C" BLOCK_SIZE="512" TYPE="vfat" PARTLA BEL="EFI system partition" PARTUUID="36377d3b-2333-4c82-9831-c2029f78d656"
/dev/sdb2: UUID="5827-0143" BLOCK_SIZE="512" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="789efc14-f850 -4364-81ba-0ceeee6630cb"
/dev/sdb3: UUID="5tZmTB-efwg-8nV1-GCww-fgqv-QuNf-8eNmEK" TYPE="LVM2_member" PART UUID="1489afae-4fda-49d6-be85-2f22e44fda71"
/dev/mapper/pve-swap: UUID="5255d35a-032a-48eb-be76-cc26e6652559" TYPE="swap"
/dev/nvme0n1p3: PARTLABEL="Microsoft reserved partition" PARTUUID="8b502cb5-0bd5 -445e-b5e7-452a51375da2"
/dev/sdb1: PARTUUID="7ed9228b-59ee-4a25-91df-4d7e2e3fa786"
/dev/sdc4: LABEL_FATBOOT="AdminPE" LABEL="AdminPE" UUID="B4FE-5315" BLOCK_SIZE=" 512" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="cad4ebea-04"
/dev/sda: PTUUID="d9e05e03" PTTYPE="dos"

Task viewer: VM 102 - Start



Volume group "DATA" not found
TASK ERROR: can't activate LV '/dev/DATA/vm-102-disk-1': Cannot process volume group DATA
# Generated by LVM2 version 2.03.16(2) (2022-05-18): Wed Aug 28 15:40:24 2024

contents = "Text Format Volume Group"
version = 1

description = "Created *after* executing '/sbin/lvcreate -aly -Wy --yes --size 681574400k --name vm-102-disk-1 --addtag pve-vm-102 DATA'"

creation_host = "pve5" # Linux pve5 6.8.4-2-pve #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC PMX 6.8.4-2 (2024-04-10T17:36Z) x86_64
creation_time = 1724841624 # Wed Aug 28 15:40:24 2024

id = "DdT5al-Sqp1-uWW9-0KcR-mvJy-7XxV-N6kApw"
seqno = 9
format = "lvm2" # informational
status = ["RESIZEABLE", "READ", "WRITE"]
flags = []
extent_size = 8192 # 4 Megabytes
max_lv = 0
max_pv = 0
metadata_copies = 0

physical_volumes {

pv0 {
id = "U1JmOb-2Gip-RoFi-Z0pP-Waqz-uXF6-EmPNhl"
device = "/dev/sda" # Hint only

status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
flags = []
dev_size = 7501476528 # 3.49315 Terabytes
pe_start = 2048
pe_count = 915707 # 3.49314 Terabytes

logical_volumes {

vm-100-disk-0 {
id = "nzwei4-AS5J-OaBD-UmK6-edDf-VbEZ-8WnUDX"
status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"]
flags = []
tags = ["pve-vm-100"]
creation_time = 1724324200 # 2024-08-22 15:56:40 +0500
creation_host = "pve5"
segment_count = 1

segment1 {
start_extent = 0
extent_count = 1 # 4 Megabytes

type = "striped"
stripe_count = 1 # linear

stripes = [
"pv0", 0

vm-100-disk-1 {
id = "XIBOTb-YqPs-Q0og-4LRS-qwyb-S3kF-I0hMzP"
status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"]
flags = []
tags = ["pve-vm-100"]
creation_time = 1724324200 # 2024-08-22 15:56:40 +0500
creation_host = "pve5"
segment_count = 1

segment1 {
start_extent = 0
extent_count = 192000 # 750 Gigabytes

type = "striped"
stripe_count = 1 # linear

stripes = [
"pv0", 1

vm-101-disk-0 {
id = "mTQyDl-nnlt-44cU-cezA-OFYV-bS75-DykF3b"
status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"]
flags = []
tags = ["pve-vm-101"]
creation_time = 1724386872 # 2024-08-23 09:21:12 +0500
creation_host = "pve5"
segment_count = 1

segment1 {
start_extent = 0
extent_count = 1 # 4 Megabytes

type = "striped"
stripe_count = 1 # linear

stripes = [
"pv0", 192001

vm-101-disk-1 {
id = "2KWfTE-71b0-H89h-VESG-0BEZ-5yHT-v1CGTh"
status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"]
flags = []
tags = ["pve-vm-101"]
creation_time = 1724386873 # 2024-08-23 09:21:13 +0500
creation_host = "pve5"
segment_count = 1

segment1 {
start_extent = 0
extent_count = 131072 # 512 Gigabytes

type = "striped"
stripe_count = 1 # linear

stripes = [
"pv0", 192002

vm-101-disk-2 {
id = "3WbXZw-4z3w-0MWX-e3TW-kkTP-4jDQ-mGKWxK"
status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"]
flags = []
tags = ["pve-vm-101"]
creation_time = 1724386873 # 2024-08-23 09:21:13 +0500
creation_host = "pve5"
segment_count = 1

segment1 {
start_extent = 0
extent_count = 131072 # 512 Gigabytes

type = "striped"
stripe_count = 1 # linear

stripes = [
"pv0", 323074

vm-101-disk-3 {
id = "UVM6qo-9xM0-BJ3l-aNfc-Rm59-KluC-Nac6Yi"
status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"]
flags = []
tags = ["pve-vm-101"]
creation_time = 1724386873 # 2024-08-23 09:21:13 +0500
creation_host = "pve5"
segment_count = 1

segment1 {
start_extent = 0
extent_count = 131072 # 512 Gigabytes

type = "striped"
stripe_count = 1 # linear

stripes = [
"pv0", 454146

vm-102-disk-0 {
id = "68dQdi-QoPQ-nyuX-PBEM-IuYW-z5aP-t0LUG8"
status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"]
flags = []
tags = ["pve-vm-102"]
creation_time = 1724841623 # 2024-08-28 15:40:23 +0500
creation_host = "pve5"
segment_count = 1

segment1 {
start_extent = 0
extent_count = 1 # 4 Megabytes

type = "striped"
stripe_count = 1 # linear

stripes = [
"pv0", 585218

vm-102-disk-1 {
id = "FaWT0g-n5SH-HrAd-t555-XHp3-Rxe0-5U97AA"
status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"]
flags = []
tags = ["pve-vm-102"]
creation_time = 1724841624 # 2024-08-28 15:40:24 +0500
creation_host = "pve5"
segment_count = 1

segment1 {
start_extent = 0
extent_count = 166400 # 650 Gigabytes

type = "striped"
stripe_count = 1 # linear

stripes = [
"pv0", 585219



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