[SOLVED] You are attempting to remove the meta-package 'proxmox-ve'!


New Member
Jan 17, 2024
I am trying to upgrade debian11 and pve 7.14 to debian12 and pve8.0, but the following problem occurs when upgrading.

W: (pve-apt-hook) !! WARNING !!
W: (pve-apt-hook) You are attempting to remove the meta-package 'proxmox-ve'!
W: (pve-apt-hook)
W: (pve-apt-hook) If you really want to permanently remove 'proxmox-ve' from your system, run the following command
W: (pve-apt-hook)       touch '/please-remove-proxmox-ve'
W: (pve-apt-hook) run apt purge proxmox-ve to remove the meta-package
W: (pve-apt-hook) and repeat your apt invocation.
W: (pve-apt-hook)
W: (pve-apt-hook) If you are unsure why 'proxmox-ve' would be removed, please verify
W: (pve-apt-hook)       - your APT repository settings
W: (pve-apt-hook)       - that you are using 'apt full-upgrade' to upgrade your system

pve7to8 -full
root@Dell-server:/etc/apt# pve7to8 -full
[B]There are many upgraded packages available here. But it exceeds the post limit. I can't upload them.[/B]
Checking for package updates..

Checking proxmox-ve package version..
PASS: proxmox-ve package has version >= 7.4-1

Checking running kernel version..
PASS: running kernel '5.15.131-2-pve' is considered suitable for upgrade.


SKIP: standalone node.


INFO: hyper-converged ceph setup detected!
INFO: getting Ceph status/health information..
WARN: Ceph health reported as 'HEALTH_WARN'.
      Use the PVE dashboard or 'ceph -s' to determine the specific issues and try to resolve them.
INFO: checking local Ceph version..
PASS: found expected Ceph 17 Quincy release.
INFO: getting Ceph daemon versions..
PASS: single running version detected for daemon type monitor.
PASS: single running version detected for daemon type manager.
SKIP: unable to determine versions of running Ceph MDS instances.
SKIP: unable to determine versions of running Ceph OSD instances.
PASS: single running overall version detected for all Ceph daemon types.
WARN: 'noout' flag not set - recommended to prevent rebalancing during upgrades.
INFO: checking Ceph config..


PASS: storage 'SATA_3T_RAID_5' enabled and active.
PASS: storage 'local' enabled and active.
INFO: Checking storage content type configuration..
PASS: no storage content problems found
PASS: no storage re-uses a directory for multiple content types.


INFO: Checking common daemon services..
PASS: systemd unit 'pveproxy.service' is in state 'active'
PASS: systemd unit 'pvedaemon.service' is in state 'active'
PASS: systemd unit 'pvescheduler.service' is in state 'active'
PASS: systemd unit 'pvestatd.service' is in state 'active'
INFO: Checking for supported & active NTP service..
WARN: systemd-timesyncd is not the best choice for time-keeping on servers, due to only applying updates on boot.
  While not necessary for the upgrade it's recommended to use one of:
    * chrony (Default in new Proxmox VE installations)
    * ntpsec
    * openntpd

INFO: Checking for running guests..
WARN: 4 running guest(s) detected - consider migrating or stopping them.
INFO: Checking if the local node's hostname 'Dell-server' is resolvable..
INFO: Checking if resolved IP is configured on local node..
PASS: Resolved node IP '' configured and active on single interface.
INFO: Check node certificate's RSA key size
PASS: Certificate 'pve-root-ca.pem' passed Debian Busters (and newer) security level for TLS connections (4096 >= 2048)
PASS: Certificate 'pve-ssl.pem' passed Debian Busters (and newer) security level for TLS connections (2048 >= 2048)
INFO: Checking backup retention settings..
PASS: no backup retention problems found.
INFO: checking CIFS credential location..
PASS: no CIFS credentials at outdated location found.
INFO: Checking permission system changes..
SKIP: user.cfg does not exist
INFO: Checking if LXCFS is running with FUSE3 library, if already upgraded..
SKIP: not yet upgraded, no need to check the FUSE library version LXCFS uses
INFO: Checking node and guest description/note length..
PASS: All node config descriptions fit in the new limit of 64 KiB
PASS: All guest config descriptions fit in the new limit of 8 KiB
INFO: Checking container configs for deprecated lxc.cgroup entries
PASS: No legacy 'lxc.cgroup' keys found.
INFO: Checking if the suite for the Debian security repository is correct..
PASS: found no suite mismatch
INFO: Checking for existence of NVIDIA vGPU Manager..
PASS: No NVIDIA vGPU Service found.
INFO: Checking bootloader configuration...
SKIP: not yet upgraded, no need to check the presence of systemd-boot
INFO: Check for dkms modules...
SKIP: could not get dkms status
SKIP: No containers on node detected.


TOTAL:    37
PASSED:   24

ATTENTION: Please check the output for detailed information!

Here is my apt list
root@Dell-server:/etc/apt# cat /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian bookworm main contrib
deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian bookworm-updates main contrib
deb http://security.debian.org/debian-security bookworm-security main contrib

cat sources.list.d/*
root@Dell-server:/etc/apt# cat sources.list.d/*
# deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/ceph-quincy bookworm enterprise
deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/ceph-quincy bookworm no-subscription
# this file was generated by packages.gitlab.com for
# the repository at https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/gitlab-ee

deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/gitlab_gitlab-ee-archive-keyring.gpg] https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/gitlab-ee/debian/ bookworm  main
deb-src [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/gitlab_gitlab-ee-archive-keyring.gpg] https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/gitlab-ee/debian/ bookworm main
# You may comment out entries below, but any other modifications may be lost.
# Use command 'dpkg-reconfigure mysql-apt-config' as root for modifications.
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/mysql-apt-config.gpg] http://repo.mysql.com/apt/debian/ bookworm mysql-apt-config
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/mysql-apt-config.gpg] http://repo.mysql.com/apt/debian/ bookworm  mysql-8.0
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/mysql-apt-config.gpg] http://repo.mysql.com/apt/debian/ bookworm mysql-tools
#deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/mysql-apt-config.gpg] http://repo.mysql.com/apt/debian/ bullseye mysql-tools-preview
deb-src [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/mysql-apt-config.gpg] http://repo.mysql.com/apt/debian/ bookworm mysql-8.0
# deb https://enterprise.proxmox.com/debian/pve bookworm pve-enterprise
deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve bookworm pve-no-subscription
deb https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/proxmox/debian bookworm pve-no-subscription
# deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve bookworm pvetest

root@Dell-server:/etc/apt# dpkg --list | egrep -i --color 'linux-image|linux-headers'
ii  linux-image-5.10.0-20-amd64          5.10.158-2                     amd64        Linux 5.10 for 64-bit PCs (signed)
ii  linux-image-5.10.0-21-amd64          5.10.162-1                     amd64        Linux 5.10 for 64-bit PCs (signed)
ii  linux-image-5.10.0-22-amd64          5.10.178-3                     amd64        Linux 5.10 for 64-bit PCs (signed)
ii  linux-image-5.10.0-23-amd64          5.10.179-3                     amd64        Linux 5.10 for 64-bit PCs (signed)
ii  linux-image-5.10.0-24-amd64          5.10.179-5                     amd64        Linux 5.10 for 64-bit PCs (signed)
ii  linux-image-5.10.0-25-amd64          5.10.191-1                     amd64        Linux 5.10 for 64-bit PCs (signed)
ii  linux-image-5.10.0-26-amd64          5.10.197-1                     amd64        Linux 5.10 for 64-bit PCs (signed)
ii  linux-image-amd64                    5.10.197-1                     amd64        Linux for 64-bit PCs (meta-package)

How do I fix this? Need to uninstall the ones you don't need linux-headers ?
Last edited:
WARN: updates for the following packages are available:
  dpkg, fontconfig, libvulkan1, telnet, reportbug, libnetfilter-conntrack3, lsb-release, libsphinxbase3, libnginx-mod-http-image-filter, librados2, cifs-utils, libssh2-1, php-apcu, dmidecode, libcups2, python3-paste, python3-webtest, qttranslations5-l10n, libxcb-present0, libwrap0, libkeyutils1, pve-docs, libxtables12, libcurl4, libxml-namespacesupport-perl, dmeventd, libgomp1, libhtml-tagset-perl, initramfs-tools-core, libnet-dns-perl, libpulse0, libwebpmux3, libsmartcols1, libev-perl, debconf-i18n, console-setup, zstd, libpam-runtime, udev, libserd-0-0, coreutils, proxmox-backup-restore-image, libgdbm-compat4, krb5-locales, libltdl7, libnetaddr-ip-perl, libfdt1, libpaper1, ceph-fuse, libtie-ixhash-perl, librubberband2, hdparm, libext2fs2, bind9-host, php-redis, pciutils, libnftnl11, libgssapi-krb5-2, libsoup2.4-1, netbase, ceph-volume, readline-common, docker-compose, libnet-ssleay-perl, libnghttp2-14, libcurl3-gnutls, open-iscsi, openssh-client, iptables, libjbig2dec0, python3-samba, libgdk-pixbuf2.0-bin, iputils-ping, libglx-mesa0, libonig5, redis-server, manpages-zh, libzvbi-common, libaudit-common, va-driver-all, libjack-jackd2-0, libauthen-sasl-perl, libglusterfs0, proxmox-widget-toolkit, libpve-rs-perl, libauthen-pam-perl, libmarisa0, libnl-3-200, libdatrie1, libthai0, libctf-nobfd0, python3-dnspython, libnl-genl-3-200, python3-dateutil, libgfapi0, apt, corosync, libtemplate-perl, libio-socket-ssl-perl, libintl-perl, xkb-data, libxrender1, libjs-bootstrap, dbus-user-session, libnftables1, libhtml-form-perl, libglvnd0, pve-firmware, libwww-perl, libproxy1v5, ceph-mgr-modules-core, libnettle8, ssl-cert, libtry-tiny-perl, libopencc1.1, python3-cherrypy3, libfuse2, libsensors-config, libjs-qrcodejs, cryptsetup-bin, git, libacl1, gpg, systemd-timesyncd, perl, libtinfo6, libtirpc-common, tzdata, libx11-xcb1, rrdcached, zfs-zed, idn, libunwind8, libdigest-hmac-perl, bridge-utils, libldb2, libmagic-mgc, libpcre3, libpango-1.0-0, python3-repoze.lru, libunistring2, libtevent0, kbd, libidn2-0, mysql-community-client-plugins, python3-cffi-backend, libldap-common, libwavpack1, proxmox-websocket-tunnel, libtasn1-6, libmpg123-0, libaio1, python3-minimal, python3-texttable, libpam-systemd, libboost-iostreams1.74.0, containerd, samba-vfs-modules, busybox, zhcon-data, libmath-random-isaac-xs-perl, libaria2-0, libleveldb1d, libwayland-cursor0, mysql-community-client, discover-data, libc-ares2, libnl-route-3-200, libqt5core5a, libselinux1, libarchive13, python3-lib2to3, liblzma5, sed, lsb-base, pve-qemu-kvm, libnvpair3linux, tar, xsltproc, libjs-extjs, libhttp-negotiate-perl, libperl4-corelibs-perl, proxmox-mail-forward, libapr1, libgfrpc0, ucf, libavahi-common-data, libheif1, ceph-base, libproxmox-acme-perl, libfont-afm-perl, libcap2-bin, tasksel-data, vim, whiptail, python3-websocket, base-passwd, libsasl2-modules, libxcb-dri2-0, libpve-cluster-api-perl, libass9, libsasl2-2, libxcb-dri3-0, libcairo2, libgbm1, libaacs0, libpciaccess0, xxd, libxcursor1, python3-ceph-common, libibverbs1, libbluray2, librbd1, pve-ha-manager, libexpat1, grub-pc-bin, libdb5.3, libbinutils, nginx, libgfxdr0, libp11-kit0, libpve-apiclient-perl, gsfonts, libapt-pkg6.0, lxcfs, libxmuu1, swtpm-libs, libcdio-cdda2, pve-lxc-syscalld, nginx-common, mysql-common, libposix-strptime-perl, apparmor, python3-reportbug, libproxmox-backup-qemu0, libblas3, swtpm-tools, libdeflate0, librgw2, libnginx-mod-stream-geoip, python3-debianbts, libfido2-1, x11-common, libiec61883-0, kmod, os-prober, libbs2b0, alsa-ucm-conf, libfftw3-double3, libxml-xpathengine-perl, python3-waitress, libuutil3linux, libwayland-server0, tasksel, liblua5.1-0, libopts25, libsocket6-perl, libglx0, libcrypt-random-seed-perl, libgme0, libmagic1, libcaca0, php-common, libjansson4, libfribidi0, liblua5.3-0, libencode-locale-perl, librrds-perl, libcdio19, python3-logutils, faketime, libpve-storage-perl, ceph-common, debconf, libgpm2, vim-common, libwebpdemux2, liblvm2cmd2.03, libdrm-nouveau2, libgfortran5, libip4tc2, libpixman-1-0, libtag1v5, libsystemd0, libqt5network5, libfreetype6, pci.ids, libva-x11-2, libgsm1, libmount1, nfs-common, libstring-shellquote-perl, samba, libzpool5linux, librrd8, binutils-x86-64-linux-gnu, libnetfilter-log1, libshout3, mysql-community-client-core, file, libanyevent-http-perl, bzip2, genisoimage, python3-requests, libdata-dump-perl, libpipeline1, libnss-systemd, debianutils, libpopt0, libcrypt-openssl-bignum-perl, libpve-guest-common-perl, libxcb1, ffmpeg, libslirp0, python3-importlib-metadata, logrotate, libapparmor1, libwbclient0, libnginx-mod-http-geoip, liblwp-mediatypes-perl, libssh-gcrypt-4, librsvg2-common, vncterm, php-imagick, libmfx1, libnuma1, xfsprogs, python3-httplib2, python3, openssh-server, libio-multiplex-perl, libdbus-1-3, libhtml-tree-perl, python3-urllib3, runit-helper, libxdamage1, libguard-perl, libvotequorum8, libgdk-pixbuf-2.0-0, libqt5dbus5, proxychains4, libjson-perl, gnupg, libsasl2-modules-db, libwmf0.2-7, libmailtools-perl, gpg-wks-server, libkrb5support0, libquorum5, libcairo-gobject2, libgs9-common, mysql-client, libsmbclient, swtpm, poppler-data, netcat-traditional, libfastjson4, libboost-thread1.74.0, nginx-core, libxml2, libmath-random-isaac-perl, pve-cluster, fuse, xz-utils, libglib2.0-data, libzstd1, libbytes-random-secure-perl, util-linux, libbsd0, less, python-apt-common, python3-more-itertools, libdconf1, fonts-glyphicons-halflings, libxpm4, libfontconfig1, libdouble-conversion3, libgpgme11, libvdpau1, psmisc, libasound2, libnginx-mod-http-xslt-filter, wamerican, systemd, libproxmox-rs-perl, samba-dsdb-modules, libconvert-asn1-perl, libudev1, gpg-agent, libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl, console-setup-linux, python3-werkzeug, libgpg-error0, cstream, wget, nvme-cli, libz3-4, discover, mesa-va-drivers, shared-mime-info, isc-dhcp-common, liblocale-gettext-perl, glib-networking-common, fdisk, numactl, libgl1-mesa-dri, libappconfig-perl, libyaml-0-2, libpng16-16, libspice-server1, libreadline8, python-pastedeploy-tpl, php-igbinary, debian-archive-keyring, proxmox-ve, libcom-err2, python3-pycurl, lxc-pve, gettext-base, libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra, novnc-pve, libmaxminddb0, samba-common-bin, diffutils, docker.io, libxrandr2, publicsuffix, libproxychains4, python3-attr, sensible-utils, python3-pkg-resources, mysql-community-server, libsort-naturally-perl, fontconfig-config, libfdisk1, gdisk, librdkafka1, libcmap4, ceph-mds, libmp3lame0, ceph-mgr, liburi-perl, libassuan0, ceph-mon, python3-talloc, libdrm-common, libx11-data, usbutils, attr, libgudev-1.0-0, lsof, ceph-osd, libcap2, proxmox-backup-file-restore, libio-html-perl, xdg-user-dirs, python3-lxml, libudfread0, libfuse3-3, python3-jsonschema, python3-cephfs, libjson-glib-1.0-common, lvm2, libc6, locales, python3-docker, lua-bitop, dnsmasq-base, ghostscript, libpcre2-16-0, mysql-community-server-core, fonts-urw-base35, powermgmt-base, python3-routes, klibc-utils, libsnappy1v5, libsndio7.0, libopus0, libdevel-cycle-perl, libcfg7, libpangocairo-1.0-0, libcrypt-openssl-random-perl, libxkbcommon0, gstreamer1.0-x, libcephfs2, libkrb5-3, vdpau-driver-all, libpam-modules, glib-networking-services, libnet1, libmysofa1, libprotobuf-c1, python3-docopt, xauth, ifupdown2, linux-image-amd64, libnet-ip-perl, libnet-http-perl, libnet-dns-sec-perl, libxcb-render0, pve-xtermjs, manpages, linux-base, tdb-tools, libusb-1.0-0, python3-openssl, libmodule-find-perl, libuuid1, man-db, python3-mako, libvisual-0.4-0, qemu-server, libcommon-sense-perl, libboost-coroutine1.74.0, gpgv, python3-soupsieve, libjpeg62-turbo, libtext-charwidth-perl, libpve-access-control, libuuid-perl, bash, gsettings-desktop-schemas, traceroute, pve-container, libgcrypt20, isc-dhcp-client, mailcap, libterm-readkey-perl, grep, media-types, gstreamer1.0-plugins-good, libproxmox-acme-plugins, mawk, libcpg4, libusbredirparser1, libhtml-format-perl, libfaketime, libmagickwand-6.q16-6, libstatgrab10, libdjvulibre21, uuid-runtime, libipset13, gstreamer1.0-plugins-base, net-tools, libcap-ng0, libklibc, vim-tiny, php-gmp, pocketsphinx-en-us, libgfchangelog0, pve-i18n, libgeoip1, runc, libctf0, bind9-dnsutils, proxmox-offline-mirror-helper, debian-faq, mesa-vulkan-drivers, libasyncns0, base-files, python3-pyinotify, libnfnetlink0, libnss3, libfilesys-df-perl, rsyslog, libk5crypto3, libpangoft2-1.0-0, libtheora0, gitlab-ee, libaprutil1, ncurses-base, gzip, proxmox-archive-keyring, keyutils, libtdb1, libpocketsphinx3, task-chinese-s, python3-apt, dmsetup, python3-natsort, python3-bs4, libsndfile1, python3-simplegeneric, geoip-database, libhttp-date-perl, login, libtpms0, libqb100, gnutls-bin, rpcbind, libasync-interrupt-perl, libmecab2, libcrypt-ssleay-perl, python3-certifi, libsqlite3-0, libnginx-mod-mail, libtext-wrapi18n-perl, libevent-2.1-7, hostname, libjemalloc2, rsync, pinentry-curses, python3-gpg, python3-webencodings, libjson-c5, libopeniscsiusr, gpgsm, glusterfs-common, libhtml-parser-perl, task-ssh-server, libterm-readline-gnu-perl, python3-markupsafe, libxslt1.1, libunbound8, libradosstriper1, python3-pecan, redis-tools, proxmox-backup-client, libxml-sax-base-perl, libdevmapper-event1.02.1, mysql-server, libspeex1, libcryptsetup12, libasound2-data, python3-jwt, adduser, findutils, libgmp10, distro-info-data, libxxhash0, libthai-data, python3-ldb, libip6tc2, libpcre2-8-0, libcrypt1, libgstreamer1.0-0, vim-runtime, python3-singledispatch, libavahi-common3, binutils-common, alsa-topology-conf, ca-certificates, librsvg2-2, libmagickcore-6.q16-6, python3-pastedeploy, libgoogle-perftools4, libsamplerate0, liberror-perl, libpam-modules-bin, ocl-icd-libopencl1, perl-openssl-defaults, apache2-utils, python3-pastescript, liblinux-inotify2-perl, init-system-helpers, grub2-common, libfile-readbackwards-perl, installation-report, thin-provisioning-tools, libxcb-glx0, libsemanage-common, libbdplus0, python3-pysimplesoap, libv4l-0, python3-prettytable, proxmox-mini-journalreader, smartmontools, python3-rbd, python3-rgw, libseccomp2, smbclient, python3-protobuf, lua-cjson, uidmap, liblognorm5, libpve-http-server-perl, libogg0, ibverbs-providers, python3-six, libjxr-tools, procps, python3-tdb, libxinerama1, python3-markdown, libsord-0-0, libxml-sax-perl, libjbig0, libflite1, libopenjp2-7, libwayland-egl1, libcdparanoia0, libpython3-stdlib, libcdio-paranoia2, libxcb-shape0, bash-completion, libglapi-mesa, libsdl2-2.0-0, mount, libzip4, libestr0, libglib2.0-0, pve-manager, python3-yaml, libjson-glib-1.0-0, libpve-common-perl, libnet-libidn-perl, perl-base, openssh-sftp-server, libpam0g, apt-transport-https, nano, libboost-program-options1.74.0, libc-l10n, libbrotli1, grub-common, htop, bind9-libs, libpaper-utils, libzmq5, ceph, libdrm-amdgpu1, liboath0, dconf-gsettings-backend, libdrm-radeon1, libdrm2, mecab-utils, libchromaprint1, samba-libs, zhcon, libsensors5, sudo, libxcb-randr0, libu2f-server0, libdiscover2, libc-bin, ipset, libopenmpt0, glusterfs-client, librabbitmq4, imagemagick-6-common, librados2-perl, python3-distutils, keyboard-configuration, php-bcmath, libattr1, libaudit1, libkmod2, libclone-perl, libxext6, initramfs-tools, ebtables, doc-debian, libyaml-libyaml-perl, bsd-mailx, parted, libhogweed6, libdc1394-25, libmime-base32-perl, cpio, dirmngr, libzfs4linux, socat, libksba8, libjs-jquery, libv4lconvert0, libharfbuzz0b, libxml-twig-perl, libtext-iconv-perl, libquadmath0, libisns0, systemd-sysv, criu, fonts-dejavu-core, samba-common, cron, apt-utils, python3-idna, unzip, aria2, opencc, gnupg-utils, python3-pygments, libblkid1, libgnutls30, python3-bcrypt, libaa1, liblilv-0-0, python3-chardet, needrestart, curl, libzvbi0, libboost-context1.74.0, python3-dockerpty, libslang2, libargon2-1, sysvinit-utils, python3-debconf, logsave, libvirglrenderer1, libva-drm2, libhttp-message-perl, pve-firewall, libjson-xs-perl, gnupg-l10n, python3-setuptools, libdv4, libdw1, libfile-listing-perl, librdmacm1, gpg-wks-client, libxcb-shm0, ifenslave, libcorosync-common4, liblz4-1, libpci3, python3-webob, libnginx-mod-stream, dconf-service, libgd3, libxml-parser-perl, libgl1, libncursesw6, sqlite3, python3-cryptography, ncurses-bin, libbz2-1.0, libinih1, libjs-sphinxdoc, libnozzle1, zlib1g, libgssapi-perl, libintl-xs-perl, libx11-6, libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0, libtcmalloc-minimal4, libjxr0, libtag1v5-vanilla, libwayland-client0, gstreamer1.0-libav, liblapack3, libsqlite3-mod-ceph, libanyevent-perl, init, libglusterd0, python3-pyrsistent, liblcms2-2, python3-ceph-argparse, mesa-vdpau-drivers, libelf1, groff-base, libmd0, git-man, python3-requests-toolbelt, ncurses-term, libnet-dbus-perl, dash, python3-tempita, libtirpc3, libtalloc2, libde265-0, dbus, libepoxy0, libknet1, libxcb-sync1, libedit2, grub-pc, libpve-u2f-server-perl, bsdutils, tree, iproute2, libjs-underscore, libavahi-client3, gpgconf, glib-networking, libdevmapper1.02.1, proxmox-kernel-helper, libgnutls-dane0, libxml-libxml-perl, libfstrm0, libss2, libnewt0.52, spiceterm, libgdbm6, pve-edk2-firmware, docker-registry, binutils, libuv1, libpsl5, libva2, libdrm-intel1, dns-root-data, bsdextrautils, python3-zipp, libxfixes3, libstdc++6, redis, libatomic1, python3-simplejson, libbabeltrace1, libnet-smtp-ssl-perl, libncurses6, zfsutils-linux, intel-media-va-driver, libxi6, libdebconfclient0, libxv1, libopencc-data, iso-codes, liborc-0.4-0, postfix, libparted2, libxml-sax-expat-perl, openssl, python3-debian, e2fsprogs, unicon-imc2, proxmox-offline-mirror-docs, libhttp-daemon-perl, passwd, libpve-cluster-perl, python3-rados, libapt-pkg-perl, libxcb-xfixes0, libproc-processtable-perl, libnspr4, libgcc-s1, libmodule-scandeps-perl, libsratom-0-0, libgdk-pixbuf2.0-common
After completing the above operation. Successfully completed the upgrade of debian system and pve system.

1. when I finish uninstalling the above kernel. Will it make it impossible to reboot?
No as you already boot with the pve kernel, see:
Checking running kernel version..
PASS: running kernel '5.15.131-2-pve' is considered suitable for upgrade.
or check with uname -r or proxmox-boot-tool kernel list.

2. will pve do the kernel replacement automatically?
Yes pve or better apt, will handle replacement/deletion of kernels.

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