Hello together, I am a linux-hobbiest and just started using proxmox for private experiments recently.....
It seems I can't get WOL working. Maybe someone can help me would be much appeciated....
So what I was able to do:
ethtool -s enp4s0 wol g -> works until next restart/reboot of the system
I edited /etc/network/interfaces and added ethernet-wol g to the file like that:
if I reboot the system ethtool enp4s0 shows: Wake-on: d
Some can give me an advice? Thank you
It seems I can't get WOL working. Maybe someone can help me would be much appeciated....
So what I was able to do:
ethtool -s enp4s0 wol g -> works until next restart/reboot of the system
I edited /etc/network/interfaces and added ethernet-wol g to the file like that:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface enp4s0 inet manual
ethernet-wol g
auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
if I reboot the system ethtool enp4s0 shows: Wake-on: d
Some can give me an advice? Thank you