Windows 11 VM drive is no longer visible.


New Member
May 19, 2024
Hello, fellow Proxmox users

I'm new to posting so please forgive me if it's somewhere else. I have searched all over for a fix and I can't seem to find one.

I have had a Windows 11 VM running for months now with no issues. But overnight the computer I'm running Proxmox on rebooted. That itself was no problem the home assistant I have running loaded just fine. But for whatever reason Windows 11 goes to a blue screen and says error code NTFS FILE SYSTEM. I have run Windows recovery via ISO and it says it can't help me. So I also was just going to install a fresh Windows 11 and just have it installed where it places all the files in windows.old file but it could not see a disk drive.

So I loaded the Ubuntu live CD and it was able to see the partition but I was unable to mount it because of an error. I have also loaded a Live version of Windows 11 and it was unable to see the drive.

If anyone has any idea or if you need screenshots or what have you any help would be appreciated. The installation of Windows itself I don't care about I had some small game-hosted files on there and I'm just looking not to lose them as hours of game time went into them. I just have not had the extra time to run auto backups just yet.
Looks like a damaged partition/file system. Did you run a chkdsk when running W11 in recovery mode?
I'm having trouble even entering the recovery environment on the install itself. When I try to enter it by pressing the F1 it just restarts and goes back to the recovery environment in addition sitting on the recovery screen it shows an error code: 0xc0000225 but that just looks like it's indicating that it can't see the drive.

How I entered to start with was using the iso and asking it to repair the OS with failed. It seems that W11 just can't see the drive but Linux can.
Do you use VirtIO vHDDs? If yes you‘ll need the driver ISO as another drive. You can load the drivers within the WinPE shell with:

drvload x:\vioscsi\w11\amd64\vioscsi.inf

(where X is the drive letter of your virtual dvd). After that, WinPE should recognize the virtual HDD again.
Consumer SSDs don't handle power loss very well, so it's probably disk corruption. I would also assume your other VMs and maybe the host has some silent data corruption and reinstall and restore from backups (which I read you don't have yet). Maybe try starting a Linux Live CD on the VM and see if it can read the files you want.

Make sure to make a byte-for-byte copy (or backup) before trying to fix it (as doing anything, even starting the VM, could make it worse). I have no experience with Windows file(system) recovery but I would assume that all such guides and tools that work on physical Windows can also be applied inside the VM.
Thank you for everyone's input. What I ended up doing was installing a new VM of W11. Took the VM Disk that was not working and reassigned it to the W11 install that was working. From what I was able to see, the partition was coming up a RAW so Windows did not know what it was anymore. So working my way through a few data recovery programs I was able to pull the files that I needed from the bad image and start fresh with the backups. I am lucky enough that all the files were intact.


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