[SOLVED] What is faster over internet - rsync or pve-zsync?


Distinguished Member
Oct 25, 2010
Hello all,

i would like to create an backup over internet, so what is the better/faster way? Rsync or pve-zsync? It is an 10-20mbit.

At a glance, it looks like pve-zsync is ZFS snapshots. So your first synchronization is going to be the same between rsync and zsync. But subsequent syncs, zsync should take the cake pretty handily as it doesn't need to scan the far side to see what blocks have changed.
Hi @fireon,

For sure the fastest is pve-zsync. But the downside is the fact that pve-zsync use ssh as transport. Better is to use plain zfs send/receive using open-vpn as transport instead of ssh(with compression lzo enable in openvpn, in udp mode). The zfs send part will read your source snapshots(so without any commpression), and openvpn will compress the zfs stream at source! If yours size snapshots are not very large, and not so many, even with ssh will be OK.
Also you need to test the more important part: if my zfs-source need to be recover(without any local snapshots), from the remote side and you need to recive ALL the snapshots ... then openvpn could be better as time spent to finish the recovery. In my oppinion, the recover speed is most important, and not the backup speed, especially when your ISP use asymetric bandwidth !!!!

Have a nice day!
Thanks for the information. I'll try pve-zsync because vpn is not available there. :)