Ok, so I've figured out the nuts & bolts, (sort of) can someone correct me and help me put them together please,
So after it was mentioned above about a dhcp server, I went off to look at my firewall (opnsense) which to my understanding DOES have a dhcp server when I create a VM directly in Proxmox all is fine, I can open no VNC and get through the setup for Ubuntu and all is well, But when I create a VM via whmcs it provisions all the info is correct an ip address is assigned but no connection, I have tried both creating another bridge but then i get no ip address assigned, If I use the existing bridge, the module in whmcs will assign an ip from a pool that I create within there, then the IP shows up on my router but no connection.
So somewhere do i have a firewall issue? I can't see how it could be this as its the same IP range - here's how I tested in the whmcs module I told it to use IP's from onward my Proxmox install is on which is getting internet accesss, so i can't figure out why containers created on whmcs will not connect.
Just substitute step 4 in tutorial with ip address assignment by a dhcp server. No manual editing required then.
Ok, thank you so the ip address that is in
How do your VMs get there network configuration? Aside of an ip, a dns server must be given. For testing connectivity better ping an ip first, like or
If this works, the connection to the internet is possible at all. And the make sure to have correct dns settings in the VMs.
The linked wiki entry contains all the required settings and explanations, especially the part with Masquerading (NAT) with iptables
For the dhcp, as you seem to need only that one, have a look at dnsmasq. It can do DHCP and DNS for the VMs.
Thank you, It's actually working now well kind of, so the vm's are created and have internet connectivity, the problem is the whmcs module assigns say BUT something(opnsense?) gives a completely different addresss(initially) say (which shows up in opnsense) but then when say ubuntu is installed yet another IP is assigned, when checking opnsense the .120 one will be inactive but another IP shows up which when ssh into connects to the now running VM, I tried connecting with the given IP in the Client area in whmcs but no dice.
But lets take whmcs out of the equation for a second, that still happens create a vm directly in proxmox a new IP shows up in opnsense, but once you install ubuntu the IP changes.
So is this an isssue with routing or is it more the whmcs module? it seems like something isn't getting the correct instructions.