I'll ignore all the folk that say you shouldn't be doing that. WE ALL NEED TO LEARN
So here's the thing I'm trying to set Proxmox up with a Modules garden WHMCS module but I can't get my head around how outside access is achieved AUTOMATICALLY, I've searched Youtube and read a couple of tutorials but still can't find the answer, they all relate to nginx proxy manager (which is not appropriate as id have to log in each time find the VM IP and reverse proxy in nginx which clients wouldn't wait for SO how do I get the VM exposed? I have ONE public IP which is pointed to my Proxmox install.
So here's the thing I'm trying to set Proxmox up with a Modules garden WHMCS module but I can't get my head around how outside access is achieved AUTOMATICALLY, I've searched Youtube and read a couple of tutorials but still can't find the answer, they all relate to nginx proxy manager (which is not appropriate as id have to log in each time find the VM IP and reverse proxy in nginx which clients wouldn't wait for SO how do I get the VM exposed? I have ONE public IP which is pointed to my Proxmox install.