I have ssh logins setup so that after entering the password, it prompts for an otp, this works.
I want to secure the webui in the same fashion, followed some other threads about copying /etc/pam.d/other to /etc/pam.d/proxmox-ve-auth and when I add my config of
Which I am using in /etc/pam.d/sshd and restart ssh when I go to login via the web I enter the username/pass then it spins for a bit and returns auth failed. I have some other things to check but thought I'd see here if anyone knows if the GUI can even prompt for an additional string?
I want to secure the webui in the same fashion, followed some other threads about copying /etc/pam.d/other to /etc/pam.d/proxmox-ve-auth and when I add my config of
auth required pam_radius_auth.so force_prompt prompt=OTP
Which I am using in /etc/pam.d/sshd and restart ssh when I go to login via the web I enter the username/pass then it spins for a bit and returns auth failed. I have some other things to check but thought I'd see here if anyone knows if the GUI can even prompt for an additional string?