I have successfully added a wasabi bucket to my proxmox server via s3sf and backups to it work with some VMs but with others I get the error:
The default storage size for the wasabi bucket in proxmox is shown as 256tb so it can't be that there's not enough space in wasabi and on the VM there's also about triple what the backup file would be so it cannot be a space issue. Is there a setting inside proxmox or something else I can look at? It would be great to get this working 100% of the time. I don't see why it would work for some VMs and others not. Same OS on all VMs too.
I've tried all modes and all compression types.
ERROR: Backup of VM 118 failed -
unable to rename '/mnt/wasabi-bucket/dump/vzdump-qemu-118-2020_04_26-17_23_49.vma.dat' to '/mnt/wasabi-bucket/dump/vzdump-qemu-118-2020_04_26-17_23_49.vma.lzo'
INFO: Failed at 2020-04-26 17:35:21
INFO: Backup job finished with errors
TASK ERROR: job errors
I've tried all modes and all compression types.
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