Hi all,
we have a strange problem when making backups of our KVM machines. We have a cluster consisting of mixed cluster nodes and a central SAN for storing the images of the machines via NFS.
When launching the backup with vzdump we get error messages like this:
Sometimes restarting the backup for the same machine runs without issues. We are experiencing this behaviour for different machines on different hosts.
- Is someone else experiencing similar issues ?
- What could be the reason for this ?
- Is there a list of exit codes for vzdump ?
we have a strange problem when making backups of our KVM machines. We have a cluster consisting of mixed cluster nodes and a central SAN for storing the images of the machines via NFS.
When launching the backup with vzdump we get error messages like this:
proxmox-epr005:~# vzdump --node 6 --snapshot --compress --storage BACKUP --mailt o XXX --mailto XXX 116
INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump --node 6 --snapshot --compress --storage B ACKUP --mailto XXX --mailto XXX 116
INFO: Starting Backup of VM 116 (qemu)
INFO: running
INFO: status = running
INFO: backup mode: snapshot
INFO: bandwidth limit: 10240 KB/s
INFO: Logical volume "vzsnap-proxmox-epr005-0" created
INFO: creating archive '/mnt/pve/BACKUP/vzdump-qemu-116-2010_07_27-10_54_38.tgz'
INFO: adding '/mnt/pve/BACKUP/vzdump-qemu-116-2010_07_27-10_54_38.tmp/qemu-serve r.conf' to archive ('qemu-server.conf')
INFO: adding '/mnt/vzsnap0/images/116/vm-116-disk.qcow2' to archive ('vm-disk-id e0.qcow2')
INFO: 196296704 B 187.2 MB 361.9 s (6:01 min) 542477 B/s 529.76 KB/s
INFO: write: Input/output error
INFO: received signal - terminate process
INFO: Logical volume "vzsnap-proxmox-epr005-0" successfully removed
ERROR: Backup of VM 116 failed - command '/usr/lib/qemu-server/vmtar '/mnt/pve/B ACKUP/vzdump-qemu-116-2010_07_27-10_54_38.tmp/qemu-server.conf' 'qemu-server.con f' '/mnt/vzsnap0/images/116/vm-116-disk.qcow2' 'vm-disk-ide0.qcow2' '/mnt/vzsnap 0/images/116/vm-116-disk-1.qcow2' 'vm-disk-ide1.qcow2' |gzip |cstream -t 1048576 0 >/mnt/pve/BACKUP/vzdump-qemu-116-2010_07_27-10_54_38.dat' failed with exit code 2
INFO: Backup job finished with errors
- Is someone else experiencing similar issues ?
- What could be the reason for this ?
- Is there a list of exit codes for vzdump ?
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