vzdump remove 0


Renowned Member
Jun 19, 2008

My old backups will never be deleted because of "--remove 0" in the vzdump call.
Where does this setting come from?


INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 100 [B]--remove 0[/B] --mode snapshot --compress lzo --storage saturn-500GB --node blade5
ERROR: Backup of VM 100 failed - only 2 backup(s) allowed - please consider to remove old backup files.
INFO: Backup job finished with errors
TASK ERROR: job errors


nfs: saturn-500gb    path /mnt/pve/saturn-500gb
    server saturn.local
    export /export/500gb
    options vers=3
    content iso,vztmpl,backup
    [B]maxfiles 2[/B]
Remove that manually in /etc/cron.d/vzdump. That seem to be a setting from older version (update does not remove that).
Why do you think so?

You get an error when you click backup now, I take it that's what he means by a manual backup.

INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 306 --remove 0 --mode snapshot --compress lzo --storage Backup_kvm1 --node kvm1
ERROR: Backup of VM 306 failed - only 1 backup(s) allowed - please consider to remove old backup files.
INFO: Backup job finished with errors
TASK ERROR: job errors

However if you edit your storage setting for the device you are trying to do the manual backup to, and say it can have "Max Backups 2" or more it will proceed. So the manual backup does not override that per storage device setting which can be confusing.
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You get an error when you click backup now, I take it that's what he means by a manual backup.
Exactly. "Backup now" will fail if over the limit of the storage.
It won´t delete because of "--remove 0"
Exactly. "Backup now" will fail if over the limit of the storage.
It won´t delete because of "--remove 0"

Did you edit your storage to allow more than one backup, as I mentioned above?

It worked for me, "Backup now" works fine after that.
Did you edit your storage to allow more than one backup, as I mentioned above?

It worked for me, "Backup now" works fine after that.
Yes it works... until I reach the new limit :eek: