I'am using proxmox pve-manager/3.4-9/4b51d87a (running kernel: 2.6.32-40-pve)
I put a vps.mount and a vps.umount scripts in /etc/vz/conf
vps.mount is executed on vzctl start, but vps.umount is not executed on vzctl stop
Here is a strace output of vzctl stop
vps.umount doesn't seem to be searched.
Is there a bug on this proxmox version ? Are your vps.umount scripts OK ?
I'am using proxmox pve-manager/3.4-9/4b51d87a (running kernel: 2.6.32-40-pve)
I put a vps.mount and a vps.umount scripts in /etc/vz/conf
# ls -la /etc/vz/conf/
total 2
drwxr-x--- 2 root www-data 0 Aug 10 09:33 .
drwxr-x--- 2 root www-data 0 Aug 10 09:33 ..
-rw-r----- 1 root www-data 920 Aug 13 15:57 178.conf
-rwxr----- 1 root www-data 614 Aug 14 10:58 vps.mount
-rwxr----- 1 root www-data 292 Aug 14 10:58 vps.umount
vps.mount is executed on vzctl start, but vps.umount is not executed on vzctl stop
Here is a strace output of vzctl stop
# grep ^stat strace.out
stat("/usr/lib/vzctl/modules/.", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0755, st_size=4096, ...}) = 0
stat("/usr/lib/vzctl/modules/..", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0755, st_size=4096, ...}) = 0
stat("/etc/vz/vz.conf", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=1348, ...}) = 0
stat("/etc/pve/openvz/178.conf", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0640, st_size=920, ...}) = 0
stat("/etc/pve/openvz/178.conf", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0640, st_size=920, ...}) = 0
stat("/proc/vz", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0555, st_size=0, ...}) = 0
stat("/var/lib/vz/lock", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0755, st_size=4096, ...}) = 0
stat("/etc/pve/openvz/178.stop", 0x7ffc7260ce40) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
stat("/etc/localtime", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=2945, ...}) = 0
stat("/usr/lib/vzctl/scripts/vps-net_del", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=1580, ...}) = 0
stat("/var/lib/vz/root/178", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0755, st_size=4096, ...}) = 0
stat("/var/lib/vz/root/178/..", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0755, st_size=4096, ...}) = 0
stat("/etc/pve/openvz/178.umount", 0x7ffc7260ca80) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
stat("/usr/lib/vzctl/scripts/proxmox.umount", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=527, ...}) = 0
stat("/usr/lib/vzctl/scripts/proxmox.umount", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=527, ...}) = 0
stat("/var/lib/vz-extern/private/178/root.hdd/DiskDescriptor.xml", 0x7ffc7260bcb0) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
stat("/usr/sbin/vzquota", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=69904, ...}) = 0
stat("/usr/sbin/vzquota", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=69904, ...}) = 0
stat("/usr/sbin/vzquota", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=69904, ...}) = 0
stat("/etc/localtime", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=2945, ...}) = 0
stat("/etc/pve/openvz/178.postumount", 0x7ffc7260ca80) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
stat("/etc/pve/openvz/vps.postumount", 0x7ffc7260ca80) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
vps.umount doesn't seem to be searched.
Is there a bug on this proxmox version ? Are your vps.umount scripts OK ?