Kernel Version Linux 4.13.16-1-pve #1 SMP PVE 4.13.16-43 (Fri, 16 Mar 2018 19:41:43 +0100)
PVE Manager Version pve-manager/5.1-46/ae8241d4
All vm disks are on NFSv4 (format raw) server. If i copy specified vm disks to another vm on nfs server directly, they are undamaged. But if i use proxmox clone feature, disks are damaged.
pve-02 -> pve-04 = disks damaged
pve-02 -> pve-02 = disks damaged
I doesn't had this problem before upgrade to this pve version (did ~ 2-3 weeks ago). Any check?
BTW: 6 tests today, one clone was ok, rest failed, in other words, cloning was without error, but after vm boot disks are damaged...
Kernel Version Linux 4.13.16-1-pve #1 SMP PVE 4.13.16-43 (Fri, 16 Mar 2018 19:41:43 +0100)
PVE Manager Version pve-manager/5.1-46/ae8241d4
All vm disks are on NFSv4 (format raw) server. If i copy specified vm disks to another vm on nfs server directly, they are undamaged. But if i use proxmox clone feature, disks are damaged.
pve-02 -> pve-04 = disks damaged
pve-02 -> pve-02 = disks damaged
I doesn't had this problem before upgrade to this pve version (did ~ 2-3 weeks ago). Any check?
BTW: 6 tests today, one clone was ok, rest failed, in other words, cloning was without error, but after vm boot disks are damaged...