VM BIOS question


Renowned Member
Dec 13, 2015
Hello, can anybody answer a quick question for me,
Currently with Proxmox VE 4.0 and 4.1 and getting right annoyed with F12 to select BIOS boot - if you don't hit it as exactly the right time, Firefox appears to intercept the F12 keypress and bring up its code debugger.

I notice that 4.1 is utilising SeaBIOS version 1.8.2 - looking at the upstream site it would appear that, together with other developments version 1.9.0 actually swaps the boot menu hotkey from F12 to ESC. This imho would appear to be better.

Could I therefore take a binary distribution of seabios 1.9.0, extract the .bin files and replace the bios files in /usr/share/kvm with newer? Would this work or are there other dependencies that I might not be aware of.

Caveat of course would be to watch for files being updated in future updates of Proxmox, but it strikes me as a reasonably simple way forward.

Would be interested in other peoples views.
Kindest regards