Here it goes.
On a node, took one of the bridges, made it vlan-aware.
Took two basic debian bookworm lxc containers, on the same node, made their ip static
Started them, checked with
I was trying to do something else on an other node, but when nothing worked, I devolved to testing the very simplest thing I assumed would work, and it didn't.
Am I sleep deprived (yes) and missing something?
On a node, took one of the bridges, made it vlan-aware.
Took two basic debian bookworm lxc containers, on the same node, made their ip static
and xx.xx.xx.3
on that bridge, with the same VLAN tag, and no firewall.Started them, checked with
ip a
that they well had their ip, made them ping themselves, works, made them ping each other, nothing.I was trying to do something else on an other node, but when nothing worked, I devolved to testing the very simplest thing I assumed would work, and it didn't.
Am I sleep deprived (yes) and missing something?
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