virtualized debian etch doesn't start


Renowned Member
Mar 10, 2010

i am using proxmox with kernel 2.6-24-10.
I have no problem with a new installation, but know i wanted to virtualize my old Debian Etch system.

Therefor i used this Manual:

Problem is, that proxmox can mount the file-system but can't start the System.
Does anybody can tell my where i can find the errorlog of proxmox, or anybody knows what i have to do to get the system starting?

Thanks a lot

is /var/log of your etch symlinked somethere?

thats how i migrate linux-machines to vz

for migration just create a debian etch from template, but dont start,
go to /var/lib/vz/private/VEID
save /dev somethere
delete anything
rsync your server to this dir
copy /dev back
make sure /tmp and /proc exists
make sure /var/log is no symlink (logging is not working if /var/log ist symlinked)
move out of the vz-dir
start th vz
take a look of the logs and correct errors

if all is looking ok, stop all services on the original server except ssh/rsync
shutdown vz
do final rsync
drop quota
configure networking
shutdown original machine
start vz