[SOLVED] Verify single snapshot from CLI ?


Renowned Member
May 21, 2013
Good day,

In the GUI I can select a specific Snapshot to verify, but I can't find an equivalent in the CLI commands?
Reason: I've copied the datastore files from a to-be-decommisioned PBS to the new server over the network, but there had been some rsync errors, so I want to run over those with errors, to grab the files needed for them and then to selectively re-verify those instead of a full verification of the datastore

You can by issuing a cURL command, as a POST request with this endpoint /api2/extjs/admin/datastore/{store}/verify [0] and in the data you can gives the following (You have to change the CTID to the ID of the container, if you want to verify the single a VM you may replace the backup-type=ct to backup-type=vm and so on):


[0] https://pbs.proxmox.com/docs/api-viewer/index.html#/admin/datastore/{store}/verify

instead of curl you can also use proxmox-backup-debug api. Here it would look something like proxmox-backup-debug api create /admin/datastore/datastore1/verify --backup-type=vm --backup-id=115 --ignore-verified=false, proxmox-backup-debug api is basically a wrapper for the API, just without the authentication stuff since you are already on the server. You can lookup the available options at [0], as mentioned by @Moayad.

But generally I'd say it would make sense to have those options also available in the "normal" CLI.
How I did it:
(1) first set all the PBS_.... environment paramters (YEs, I could've done it all with proxmox-backup-debug, I was just reusing already tehre stuff ...)
Then created this file as verify-delete

echo $*

proxmox-backup-debug api create /admin/datastore/MWproxCrit/verify $* --ignore-verified=false && \
proxmox-backup-debug api delete /admin/datastore/MWproxCrit/snapshots $*

and the CLI run to grab the list of snapshots, match the not OK verify states, output a set of commandlint paramaters, make then all null terminated stream by replacing the new lines, and using xargs run 16 at a time with the above to verify and delete if error

proxmox-backup-client snapshot list --output-format json \
 | jq -r '.[]|select(.verification.state != "ok")| "--backup-type=" + ."backup-type" + " --backup-id="+ ."backup-id" + " --backup-time=" + (."backup-time"|tostring) ' \
 | tr '\n' '\0' \
 | xargs -0 -n1 -P16 ./verify-delete

CAVEAT EMPTOR: If you hit control-C the verify jobs busy, WILL fail, and you will get a deleted snapshot... ie. it's NOT a perfect script that needs a trap or three


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