pve-manager/4.1-5/f910ef5c (running kernel: 4.2.6-1-pve)
i use my PVE at home also as Storage for Files and all NFSexports. It is really woring fine but only with this entries in the rc.local:
When i use fstab for this things, the homedataset does not mount, becaues it is not empty and folders where created before this dataset is mounted. The only way was to wait some seconds and mount the NFS4-shares manually in the autostartfile.
And yes, must start the vm's also here because they all use an nfsshare as home.
Is there an other way, an other nicer way to do this so, or did you think it is ok how i do this?
Thanks and best regards
pve-manager/4.1-5/f910ef5c (running kernel: 4.2.6-1-pve)
i use my PVE at home also as Storage for Files and all NFSexports. It is really woring fine but only with this entries in the rc.local:
echo "Timeout 11 seconds to start NFS-Enterprise-Service"
sleep 11
mount -o bind /v-machines/home/gentoo/distfiles /export/distfiles
mount -o bind /v-machines/home/iso-images /export/iso-images
mount -o bind /v-machines/home/gentoo/packages_gentoo_hardened_amd64_generic /export/packages_gentoo_hardened_amd64_generic
mount -o bind /v-machines/home/gentoo/packages_gentoo_desktop_generic_amd64 /export/packages_gentoo_desktop_generic_amd64
mount -o bind /v-machines/home/Musik /export/Musik
systemctl restart nfs-kernel-server.service
qm start 101
sleep 10
qm start 104
qm start 108
qm start 107
qm start 105
And yes, must start the vm's also here because they all use an nfsshare as home.
Is there an other way, an other nicer way to do this so, or did you think it is ok how i do this?
Thanks and best regards