Hi, I seem to be having issues with replication failing. The error seems to be some issue with SSH.
Anyone have any idea what this can be? Theres not much info out there on this error.
Anyone have any idea what this can be? Theres not much info out there on this error.
2024-05-07 23:13:02 103-0: start replication job
2024-05-07 23:13:02 103-0: guest => CT 103, running => 1
2024-05-07 23:13:02 103-0: volumes => Replication:subvol-103-disk-0
2024-05-07 23:13:03 103-0: (remote_prepare_local_job) storage 'Replication' is not available on node 'pve'
2024-05-07 23:13:03 103-0: end replication job with error: command '/usr/bin/ssh -e none -o 'BatchMode=yes' -o 'HostKeyAlias=pve' -o 'UserKnownHostsFile=/etc/pve/nodes/pve/ssh_known_hosts' -o 'GlobalKnownHostsFile=none' root@ -- pvesr prepare-local-job 103-0 Replication:subvol-103-disk-0 --last_sync 0' failed: exit code 255