Upgraded gone wrong


New Member
Feb 12, 2015
I decided to take the plunge and upgrade my Proxmox install from 4.4 to 5 having done this in the past from 2 to 3 and 3 to 4 I never had a problem I just followed the instructions and away we went.

However it seems to have gone wrong this evening. The machine boots and I can get into it, but the web interface no longer loads. It also still seems to be on vernal 4.4 117 I believe it is.

having tried some trouble shooting things I have noticed is that qm no longer seems to be on the machine I assume this is part of the problem. I guess is there an easy way for me to repair the install via re-installing without loosing my existing VM's or do I need to try and resolve the problem.

Any help would be appreciated and any info you need I'm happy to provide.
What is the output of

# pveversion -v

I assume you remove all proxmox packages somehow? To fix that issue, try to run

# apt-get install proxmox-ve
Thanks for that. The # pveversion -v returned nothing so I did the # apt-get install proxmox-ve which resolved the problem in less than 2min.

Thank you for your help solved a lot of hassle.