Simple bash script to APT update all LXC containers which are stopped or running status
Will start stopped containers to update then shut them down in the background and move on to next container
Will start stopped containers to update then shut them down in the background and move on to next container
# update all containers
# list of container ids we need to iterate through
containers=$(pct list | tail -n +2 | cut -f1 -d' ')
function update_container() {
echo "[Info] Updating $container"
# to chain commands within one exec we will need to wrap them in bash
pct exec $container -- bash -c "apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt autoremove -y"
for container in $containers
status=`pct status $container`
if [ "$status" == "status: stopped" ]; then
echo [Info] Starting $container
pct start $container
echo [Info] Sleeping 5 seconds
sleep 5
update_container $container
echo [Info] Shutting down $container
pct shutdown $container &
elif [ "$status" == "status: running" ]; then
update_container $container
done; wait