I am unable to update my proxmox. I have searched for fix actions, but have only found issue of incorrect apt sources, but my sources are reflecting the correct Debian version. I am running Debian 10 and my source lists are buster sources. I did not upgrade from PVE 5 to 6 that I can remember, I believe that it was Debian 9 (stretch) and installed PVE 6, but the debian box upgraded to 10 (if I am remembering correctly, but I could be wrong). I don't run ceph or anything besides the defaults, but based on one forum I updated the ceph repository. that did not work, I feel like the answer is staring me in the face, but unable to see it. Any help would be appreciated.
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"
Starting system upgrade: apt-get dist-upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Calculating upgrade... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
dh-python guile-2.0-libs irqbalance libapparmor-perl libbabeltrace-ctf1
libbind9-140 libboost-atomic1.67.0 libboost-iostreams1.62.0
libboost-iostreams1.67.0 libboost-program-options1.62.0
libboost-program-options1.67.0 libboost-random1.62.0 libboost-regex1.62.0
libboost-regex1.67.0 libboost-system1.62.0 libboost-system1.67.0
libboost-thread1.62.0 libboost-thread1.67.0 libcephfs1 libcfg6 libdns162
libevent-2.0-5 libfcgi-bin libfcgi0ldbl libfdt1 libicu57 libipset3 libisc160
libisccc140 libisccfg140 libjemalloc1 liblvm2app2.2 liblvm2cmd2.02 liblwres141
libperl5.24 libprotobuf10 libpython3.5-minimal libpython3.5-stdlib libtotem-pg5
liburcu4 linux-image-4.19.0-5-amd64 linux-image-4.9.0-8-amd64
linux-image-4.9.0-9-amd64 pve-kernel-4.15.18-11-pve pve-kernel-4.15.18-12-pve
pve-kernel-4.15.18-14-pve pve-kernel-4.15.18-17-pve pve-kernel-4.15.18-19-pve
pve-kernel-4.15.18-20-pve pve-kernel-5.0.18-1-pve pve-kernel-5.0.21-1-pve
pve-kernel-5.0.21-2-pve pve-kernel-5.0.21-3-pve pve-kernel-5.0.21-4-pve
pve-kernel-5.3.10-1-pve pve-kernel-5.3.13-1-pve pve-kernel-helper
python-asn1crypto python-certifi python-cffi-backend python-chardet
python-cryptography python-enum34 python-idna python-ipaddress python-openssl
python-pyasn1 python-requests python-urllib3 python3-distutils python3-lib2to3
python3.5 python3.5-minimal rename runit-helper sgml-base tcpd xml-core
Use 'apt autoremove' to remove them.
The following packages will be REMOVED:
proxmox-ve pve-firmware pve-kernel-4.15 pve-kernel-5.0 pve-kernel-5.3
The following NEW packages will be installed:
curl firmware-linux-free idn libcurl4 libfuse3-3 libleveldb1d liblttng-ust-ctl4
liblttng-ust0 liboath0 libproxmox-acme-perl libproxmox-backup-qemu0 libqrencode4
librabbitmq4 librdkafka1 libyaml-0-2 libyaml-libyaml-perl
linux-image-4.19.0-14-amd64 proxmox-backup-client python-ceph-argparse python-rgw
qrencode zstd
The following packages will be upgraded:
apt apt-transport-https apt-utils base-files bind9-host ca-certificates
ceph-common ceph-fuse corosync dbus dbus-user-session distro-info-data file fuse
glib-networking glib-networking-common glib-networking-services iproute2
iputils-ping krb5-locales libapt-inst2.0 libapt-pkg5.0 libavcodec58 libavfilter7
libavformat58 libavutil56 libbind9-161 libcairo-gobject2 libcairo2 libcephfs2
libcfg7 libcmap4 libcorosync-common4 libcpg4 libcups2 libdbus-1-3
libdns-export1104 libdns1104 libefiboot1 libefivar1 libfdt1 libfreetype6 libfuse2
libgnutls30 libgnutlsxx28 libgssapi-krb5-2 libisc-export1100 libisc1100
libisccc161 libisccfg163 libjpeg62-turbo libjson-c3 libk5crypto3 libknet1
libkrb5-3 libkrb5support0 libldap-2.4-2 libldap-common libllvm7 liblwres161
libmagic-mgc libmagic1 libmailutils5 libmariadb3 libnss-systemd libnss3 libntlm0
libnvpair1linux libopenmpt0 libp11-kit0 libpam-systemd libpango-1.0-0
libpangocairo-1.0-0 libpangoft2-1.0-0 libperl5.28 libpostproc55 libproxy1v5
libpve-access-control libpve-apiclient-perl libpve-cluster-api-perl
libpve-cluster-perl libpve-common-perl libpve-guest-common-perl
libpve-http-server-perl libpve-storage-perl libpython3.7 libpython3.7-minimal
libpython3.7-stdlib libquorum5 librados2 libradosstriper1 librbd1 librgw2
libsqlite3-0 libssh-gcrypt-4 libssl1.1 libswresample3 libswscale5 libsystemd0
libtag1v5 libtag1v5-vanilla libudev1 libunwind8 libuutil1linux libvotequorum8
libx11-6 libx11-data libx11-xcb1 libxml2 libzfs2linux libzmq5 libzpool2linux
libzstd1 linux-image-4.19.0-8-amd64 linux-image-amd64 linux-libc-dev lxc-pve lxcfs
mailutils mailutils-common mariadb-common nfs-common openssl perl perl-base
perl-modules-5.28 postfix postfix-sqlite proxmox-widget-toolkit pve-cluster
pve-container pve-docs pve-edk2-firmware pve-firewall pve-ha-manager pve-i18n
pve-kernel-helper pve-manager pve-qemu-kvm pve-xtermjs python-apt-common
python-cephfs python-rados python-rbd python3-apt python3.7 python3.7-minimal
qemu-server sqlite3 systemd systemd-sysv tzdata udev vncterm wpasupplicant zfs-zed
157 upgraded, 22 newly installed, 5 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 0 B/245 MB of archives.
After this operation, 157 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
W: (pve-apt-hook) !! WARNING !!
W: (pve-apt-hook) You are attempting to remove the meta-package 'proxmox-ve'!
W: (pve-apt-hook)
W: (pve-apt-hook) If you really want to permanently remove 'proxmox-ve' from your system, run the following command
W: (pve-apt-hook) touch '/please-remove-proxmox-ve'
W: (pve-apt-hook) run apt purge proxmox-ve to remove the meta-package
W: (pve-apt-hook) and repeat your apt invocation.
W: (pve-apt-hook)
W: (pve-apt-hook) If you are unsure why 'proxmox-ve' would be removed, please verify
W: (pve-apt-hook) - your APT repository settings
W: (pve-apt-hook) - that you are using 'apt full-upgrade' to upgrade your system
E: Sub-process /usr/share/proxmox-ve/pve-apt-hook returned an error code (1)
E: Failure running script /usr/share/proxmox-ve/pve-apt-hook
System not fully up to date (found 181 new packages)
starting shell
root@ProxmoxHost:/# pveversion -v
proxmox-ve: 6.1-2 (running kernel: 5.3.18-3-pve)
pve-manager: 6.1-8 (running version: 6.1-8/806edfe1)
pve-kernel-helper: 6.1-8
pve-kernel-5.3: 6.1-6
pve-kernel-5.0: 6.0-11
pve-kernel-4.15: 5.4-8
pve-kernel-5.3.18-3-pve: 5.3.18-3
pve-kernel-5.3.18-2-pve: 5.3.18-2
pve-kernel-5.3.13-2-pve: 5.3.13-2
pve-kernel-5.3.13-1-pve: 5.3.13-1
pve-kernel-5.3.10-1-pve: 5.3.10-1
pve-kernel-5.0.21-5-pve: 5.0.21-10
pve-kernel-5.0.21-4-pve: 5.0.21-9
pve-kernel-5.0.21-3-pve: 5.0.21-7
pve-kernel-5.0.21-2-pve: 5.0.21-7
pve-kernel-5.0.21-1-pve: 5.0.21-2
pve-kernel-5.0.18-1-pve: 5.0.18-3
pve-kernel-4.15.18-20-pve: 4.15.18-46
pve-kernel-4.15.18-19-pve: 4.15.18-45
pve-kernel-4.15.18-17-pve: 4.15.18-43
pve-kernel-4.15.18-14-pve: 4.15.18-39
pve-kernel-4.15.18-12-pve: 4.15.18-36
pve-kernel-4.15.18-11-pve: 4.15.18-34
ceph-fuse: 12.2.11+dfsg1-2.1+b1
corosync: 3.0.3-pve1
criu: 3.11-3
glusterfs-client: 5.5-3
ifupdown: 0.8.35+pve1
libjs-extjs: 6.0.1-10
libknet1: 1.15-pve1
libpve-access-control: 6.0-6
libpve-apiclient-perl: 3.0-3
libpve-common-perl: 6.0-17
libpve-guest-common-perl: 3.0-5
libpve-http-server-perl: 3.0-5
libpve-storage-perl: 6.1-5
libqb0: 1.0.5-1
libspice-server1: 0.14.2-4~pve6+1
lvm2: 2.03.02-pve4
lxc-pve: 3.2.1-1
lxcfs: 4.0.1-pve1
novnc-pve: 1.1.0-1
proxmox-mini-journalreader: 1.1-1
proxmox-widget-toolkit: 2.1-3
pve-cluster: 6.1-4
pve-container: 3.0-23
pve-docs: 6.1-6
pve-edk2-firmware: 2.20200229-1
pve-firewall: 4.0-10
pve-firmware: 3.0-7
pve-ha-manager: 3.0-9
pve-i18n: 2.0-4
pve-qemu-kvm: 4.1.1-4
pve-xtermjs: 4.3.0-1
qemu-server: 6.1-7
smartmontools: 7.1-pve2
spiceterm: 3.1-1
vncterm: 1.6-1
zfsutils-linux: 0.8.3-pve1
root@ProxmoxHost:/# cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ceph.list
#deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/ceph-luminous buster main
deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/ceph-nautilus buster main
root@ProxmoxHost:/# cat /etc/apt/sources.list
# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 9.6.0 _Stretch_ - Official amd64 NETINST 20181110-11:34]/ buster main
#deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 9.6.0 _Stretch_ - Official amd64 NETINST 20181110-11:34]/ buster main
deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ buster main
deb-src http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ buster main
deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian buster-updates main contrib
deb http://security.debian.org/debian-security buster/updates main contrib
deb-src http://security.debian.org/debian-security buster/updates main
deb http://security.debian.org buster/updates main contrib
# buster-updates, previously known as 'volatile'
deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ buster-updates main
deb-src http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ buster-updates main