root@host:~/.ssh# pvecm updatecerts
Can't exec "/bin/sh": No such file or directory at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/Cluster/ line 160, <DATA> line 960.
(re)generate node files
merge authorized SSH keys
root@lc201-pve-52:~/.ssh# pvecm updatecerts -f
Can't exec "/bin/sh": No such file or directory at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/Cluster/ line 160, <DATA> line 960.
(re)generate node files
generate new node certificate
merge authorized SSH keys
#I have a 3 node cluster with ceph. I am seeing that i am unable to run above to update certs.
# all new ssh connection to this node is failing with error " access denied"
#if i use the console from webui i get below error.
can someone suggest
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